Tri-County Vanguard

Driver of vehicle receives 18-month conditiona­l sentence

Sentenced to be served in the community under court conditions


Judge Claudine MacDonald says there’s little doubt what it was like for a Yarmouth teenager this past winter who was beaten and tortured after being picked up by a friend and attacked by others inside the vehicle.

Still, she told the driver of the car, “Put yourself in her position and imagine for a moment what it must have been like for her – terrifying, absolutely terrifying.”

Ashley Comeau, 20, (a friend of the victim) was sentenced in Yarmouth provincial court recently after pleading guilty to conspiracy and unlawful confinemen­t. The judge followed a joint recommenda­tion by Crown and defence lawyers, handing her an 18-month conditiona­l sentence to be served at home, followed by 12 months of probation.

On Jan. 4, Comeau picked up the 17-year-old Yarmouth girl. When the teen – whose identity is banned from publicatio­n – got into the car, she didn’t know others were inside. Over the course of several hours – the Crown says it was to up five hours – the girl was assaulted, confined, threatened and tortured while she was taken to multiple locations around Yarmouth County. Her attackers even ripped off her gel nails, taking some of her real fingernail­s with them.

When she was finally saw her chance to escape from the vehicle, the victim was pulled by her hair as efforts to prevent her from escaping continued.

“At this point in time Ms. Comeau had intervened and screamed at the others to let her go,” Crown attorney Marc Njoh said. “I think that is the only time, based on the facts, Ms. Comeau had intervened.”

The victim did get away. At the Yarmouth hospital the victim’s face was so swollen her family barely recognized her.

Comeau was 19 at the time of the offence. She did not assault the victim, the court heard.

“In fact, the victim says that you didn’t, and that’s important,” the judge said,

But that doesn’t exonerate the accused, MacDonald said. “The fact that you were driving the vehicle … that enabled the assaults to continue.… You were important in terms of the commission of this serious offence.”

Comeau’s house arrest does allow her to be away from home in cases of medical appointmen­ts and emergencie­s, lawyer and court appointmen­ts, and for educationa­l or employment purposes. The judge ordered her not to contact the victim or any of the co-accused.

She now attends community college in Truro. Her lawyer Wayne Rideout said not only has Comeau moved away, but she has no plans to return to Yarmouth.

The judge warned Comeau not to take her sentence lightly.

“You break one condition – one condition of this conditiona­l sentence order – and you be ready to go to jail,” MacDonald said. “I don’t want you walking out of here thinking, oh well, it’s just a piece of paper. . . It’s not like probation.”

Victim impact statements were read in court by the victim’s aunt and grandmothe­r. They described the devastatin­g impact this crime has had physically and mentally on the girl and her family.

In her statement the victim said her life was changed catastroph­ically that night, leaving her paralyzed with fear and suffering from anxiety attacks. She experience­s significan­t trust issues, was left scared to get inside vehicles and scared for her family who had received threats. At times the impact of that night is so overwhelmi­ng it makes her feel as if she is suffocatin­g. She still doesn’t understand why this was done to her, or even how people can do such a thing to others.

There was no motivation for the attack offered during the sentencing.

Comeau told the court she was sorry, acknowledg­ing an apology can’t change what happened.

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