Tri-County Vanguard

Dorian brought southern birds to Nova Scotia


Nova Scotian critters generally are wily beasts with the experience to survive Dorian but there are a few visitors from southern climates who have to take a brief rest here after riding the hurricane north.

Hope Swinamer, founder of Hope For Wildlife animal rescue, said they are inundated with calls to take in birds that normally don’t show up in the province.

“We’ve brought in 20 birds already this morning,” Swinimer said during a phone interview on Sept. 11 from her car, after she had picked up a bunch of the feathered visitors for transport.

“The best advice is these birds are really exhausted, so keeping your distance, giving them time to rest and recover,” Swinimer said, adding that people should also keep their dogs away from them.

They will eventually head home on their own.

“We’re already seeing signs of them flocking up and leaving again,” she said.

It’s the injured ones that are coming to her Seaforth-based rehab centre.

She’s seeing laughing gulls, skimmers and terns coming in, she said.

Local birds have not been immune to Dorian’s wrath, though, as Hope for Wildlife is also getting injured blackbacke­d gulls and herring gulls.

“And we’re seeing, certainly, an influx of even pigeons, even city birds,” Swinimer said. “So we’re getting a variety of all different kinds of birds arriving in and they might have anything from a broken clavicle to a broken wing because they got pushed around during the winds.”

Ian McLaren, past president of the Nova Scotia Bird Society, agreed the visitors will go back where they came from after they recover their energy.

“The migratory birds can read things like the position of the sun at sunrise, that kind of thing, to know where they are, latitude and longitude, and they probably also have magnetic sense,” said the longtime birder who has penned articles on avians going home in the aftermath of hurricanes.

McLaren said the local birds, for the most part, take advantage of the abundance of shelter in Nova Scotia.

“I think that even up in the Eastern Shore, it was probably a good thing for them to squat down and hide and keep out of unsafe places and ride it out,” he said. “I think that’s true of most small birds in our woods and even in the city. Certainly the next day there were still lots of starlings around foraging on the lawn with their broods. Some of them actually still are feeding their young off the nest.”

McLaren said the increasing frequency of major storms may be becoming “a bit of a problem,” but tens of thousands of years of evolution in varying conditions have given the birds a base to survive extreme situations.

The same can be said for terrestria­l animals.

Swinimer said the staff at Hope for Wildlife was worried about how their resident animals would fare in the storm but they came through.

“They’re used to it,” she said. “We’re more vulnerable than the wild animals. Hands down, they’ve got it figured out. They’re more than capable. They’ve been through many, many storms and they head in to where they know it’s safer. It’s really quite amazing for the wild world. They do quite well in a storm.”

Swinimer also has seen the effects of shifting climate. The wildlife rehab is dealing with baby animals coming in later in the year.

“Six baby squirrels showed up today,” she said. “Now, sadly, four of them had already expired before they arrived, but we’ve got the other two and we’re just warming them up.”

They still have fledgling birds that are being hand-fed because they came in so late in the season.

“So everything is later and it’s really going to change the way we do our work because of this, because of these changes. And you can imagine when a hurricane goes through and there’s babies, for the mom, it certainly adds an impact to the care that they need to be able to give.”

The wildlife rehab is a yearround operation, but they always face a drop in helping hands in the fall when the cadre of university students who volunteer there head back to school.

Right now, they need help with volunteers to pick up these injured wild animals.

“They’re usually in a box waiting for pickup,” Swinimer said. “That’s where we’re stressed. Right now, we can’t keep up. There’s birds all over the province waiting for pickup and we just don’t have the manpower to go out and get them.”

There are about 20 to 25 birds waiting for transport but they are spread out geographic­ally from Yarmouth the Cape Breton. Swinimer suggested anyone seeking to help could send an email to info@hopeforwil­dlife. net.

Otherwise, anyone who has an injured bird can drop it off at Homeward Bound City Pound in Dartmouth.

“We’re open from 8 to 8 seven days a week and we pick up there,” she said.

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