Tri-County Vanguard

‘We are pulling together for the greater good’

- Kristy Herron Herronkris­

These are challengin­g unpreceden­ted times. But we are a resilient stock that has faced challenges in the past.

This will not be easy. Our normal routines have been interrupte­d. We are doing our best to be diligent and maintain social distance. We are trying to “flatten the curve.”

Yet we have some heroes who are doing their best to keep us safe and healthy. I am not just talking about the health-care profession­als who are going far and above — there are others as well.

There are the truckers who are bringing our necessary goods to locations where we can access the basics, the retail workers in grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies. Then there are the producers who are still toiling to ensure we have goods.

At the grocery store, we went to get staples like soup ingredient­s and I was so impressed by the profession­al behaviour of the staff. Their contributi­ons must be recognized. They come to work just so we can get what we need. Note, I said what we need. It is vital that we do not get caught up in panic hoarding. It is time to be kind and to think of the needs of others.

I also know of neighbours and friends who are making checkin calls. Folks who are dropping groceries on doorsteps for their identified needs. Like always, we are pulling together for the better good.

A friend made a couple of casseroles, dozens of biscuits and delivered the delicious bounty to another senior who has significan­t health needs and would be at risk. Social distance was respected, but needs were met in a caring, loving manner.

Social media has been vital in helping folks. With our houses of worship closed, I am also well aware of significan­t outreach within the spiritual context.

We are all in the same fight against a difficult adversary. We will succeed by pooling our strengths and resources.

From my tradition I wish to share Philippian­s 4: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understand­ing, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praisewort­hy — think about such things.”

This is a universal sentiment that is part of all traditions.

Take good care!

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