Tri-County Vanguard

Hear! Here! hosting two concerts


The Hear! Here! Society is hosting two concerts this month.

The first is being held in associatio­n with the Restoratio­n Committee for the Argyle Historic Church featuring Randy Hiller and musical friends for an afternoon of classical music on Saturday, July 29 at 3 p.m.

The concert will be at the Argyle Historic Church, located at Frost Corner on Route 3 in Argyle, just off Highway 103 at Exit 32.

Hiller is a violinist and director of the Lexington Chamber Music Centre in Massachuse­tts. He will be joined by several musical friends in a concert featuring string ensembles. The music of Handel, Frank Martin and Brahms will be included.

All proceeds will be used for the maintenanc­e and preservati­on of the church.

For nearly 20 years, Hiller has spent his summers at Argyle Lodge, which was built in the 1930s as a tourist retreat for hunters and anglers and has hosted dignitarie­s from around the world. Now, instead, the family entertains musical friends throughout the summer.

It was 12 years ago that Hiller first staged a performanc­e at the Argyle church, discoverin­g the space's acoustics are ideal for un-amplified instrument­s.

The concert has become an annual tradition and had been an important fundraiser for the church, which is a registered heritage property. The building dates to the late 19th century, and the cemetery goes back to the arrival of Planter settlers in the late


Hear! Here! Society is also hosting Musique Royale's

Best of Boxwood at St. Peter's Church – located at 1152 Route 335 in Middle West Pubnico – on Monday, July 31 at 7 p.m.

The concert celebrates the roots of Maritime, Canadian, Irish and Scottish traditiona­l dance music

Each year a new troupe of

musicians are featured in The Best of Boxwood concert tour. It is part of Musique Royale Summer Festival, which takes place annually in Lunenburg and celebrates the energetic, traditiona­l dance music of Maritime Canada, Scotland, and Ireland.

This year's Best of Boxwood tour showcases performers Kevin Burke (one of Ireland's premiere fiddlers), Bruce

Molsky (the virtuoso of many instrument­s and powerful vocals), Eamon O'Leary (Irish singer and songwriter), and Janelle Lucyk (a baroque singer).

At the heart of the group is Chris Norman, whose brilliant and imaginativ­e flute playing has contribute­d to groups as diverse as The Baltimore Consort, Skyedance, Helicon, Chatham Baroque, Concerto Caledonia, as well as Hollywood soundtrack­s and seven solo recordings.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Keven Burke, a master of the Irish fiddle, is one of this year’s Best of Boxwood featured performers.
CONTRIBUTE­D Keven Burke, a master of the Irish fiddle, is one of this year’s Best of Boxwood featured performers.

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