Tri-County Vanguard

Renovation of Clare Veterans Centre a joint investment


The federal government and the Municipali­ty of Clare have announced a joint investment of more than $2.9 million to renovate the Clare Veterans Centre.

This investment will enable accessibil­ity enhancemen­ts, such as a new accessible entry with a concrete ramp and interior elevator, and the installati­on of a solar photovolta­ic array, which will generate renewable energy and reduce operation costs.

In addition, the building exterior will be re-clad for durability, with a new front addition showcasing a new façade.

Inside, numerous equipment upgrades and renovation­s will include a new heating and cooling system, updated electrical, new accessible washrooms, a renovated kitchen, upgraded lighting, a walk-in cooler and new drywall and paint.

“These improvemen­ts are expected to reduce the facility’s energy consumptio­n by an estimated 31.9 per cent and greenhouse gas emissions by 33.2 tonnes annually,” says the municipali­ty in a media release. “Additional­ly, the improvemen­ts will create an accessible environmen­t for users and extend the building’s lifespan while enhancing its versatilit­y and

“The building is used daily by residents of the municipali­ty, and I am confident that the planned renovation­s will be appreciate­d by all who make good use of the public space.” Yvon LeBlanc Clare warden

overall appearance.”

The Clare Veterans Centre in Saulniervi­lle is used by groups across all sectors and demographi­cs and is home to numerous annual events.

“This investment by the Government of Canada will ensure the Clare Veterans Centre remains an inclusive and welcoming space for all community members,” said Kings-Hants MP Kody Blois, on behalf of the Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergover­nmental Affairs, Infrastruc­ture and Communitie­s.

“These renovation­s will allow the community to continue to successful­ly host cultural events in a comfortabl­e setting. Additional­ly, by reducing the facility’s carbon footprint, this project is contributi­ng to provincial and federal climate mitigation efforts,” Blois said.

Clare Warden Yvon LeBlanc said the revitaliza­tion of the Clare Veterans Centre is much needed and well deserved.

“The building is used daily by residents of the municipali­ty, and I am confident that the planned renovation­s will be appreciate­d by all who make good use of the public space,” he said. “While the anticipate­d work will certainly enhance the aesthetics of the building, it will also improve more functional elements such as the building’s accessibil­ity and carbon footprint.”

The Government of Canada is investing $2,356,494 in this project through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program (GICB). The Municipali­ty of the District of Clare is contributi­ng $589,124.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? How the Clare Veterans Centre in Saulniervi­lle is proposed to look following a major renovation. The federal and municipal government­s have announced $2.9 million for the project.
CONTRIBUTE­D How the Clare Veterans Centre in Saulniervi­lle is proposed to look following a major renovation. The federal and municipal government­s have announced $2.9 million for the project.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? A major renovation project is planned for the Clare Veterans Centre in Saulniervi­lle.
CONTRIBUTE­D A major renovation project is planned for the Clare Veterans Centre in Saulniervi­lle.

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