Tri-County Vanguard

Expansion design concepts under review


The Mariners Centre Expansion Project Committee (EPC) is reviewing concept designs for the planned expansion of the Mariners Centre.

Two initial proposals have been reviewed. The committee has requested more concepts from the architect. The additional concepts, including associated costing, are expected by the end of July from Ventin Group Architects, who were awarded the Architectu­ral/Engineerin­g Design contract in April.

“As the concept designs are received and evaluated, costing is a key part of the review process,” reads a media release.

The EPC is focused on an expansion project that will maximize functional­ity and features, while keeping within the project scope and budget of $30 million (before fundraisin­g).

“Once the EPC has reviewed and considered all concepts, options and costs, a recommenda­tion will be made to members of the Mariners Centre Expansion Board (MCEB),” the release states. “The board will then approve, or recommend approval, from the three partnering councils.”

A joint council meeting on the topic with the Town of Yarmouth, the Municipali­ty of Argyle, and the Municipali­ty of Yarmouth will take place in the near future. Once a concept is selected, the architect will move ahead with a detailed schematic design.

“The process has been both exciting and challengin­g,” says expansion board chair Nicole Albright.

“A great deal of focus has been placed on ensuring the final concept is the best facility we can build, that serves as many residents as possible, all within the project budget,” she says. “We need to get this right from the beginning. The project committee has tasked the architects to present plans for a facility that offers a variety of options and configurat­ions. We are eager to get the concept design finalized, approved, and out to the public as soon as possible.”

Another important success factor for the project will be fundraisin­g. A team has been assembled for this effort and is ready to begin the campaign later this summer.

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