Tri-County Vanguard

Cheers &Jeers



Once again in this province, we have witnessed the valuable and necessary work of first responders.

And once again a huge shoutout and thanks goes to our volunteer fire department­s who during the recent flooding have been responding when and where needed.

And they've been needed a lot.

At the height of last weekend's torrential rain, they responded to houses struck by lightning, to washed-out roads, to residents trapped by flash flooding, to searches for missing people. People were even turning to them for flooded homes and basements. The calls for help just kept coming.

We've always appreciate­d the work of firefighte­rs but we've appreciate­d them even more in these past months as they've given their all when we have been at our worst – from devasting wildfires in May and June to now devastatin­g flooding in July.

If you've ever thought about becoming a volunteer firefighte­r, please contact your local department.

They can always use the extra hands so that they can give us the extra help.


Thanks to all of those who continue to offer support to those in our region who were, and continue to be, impacted by the spring wildfires – most notably the Barrington Lake fire.

Since the immediate need that was offered at the time of the wildfire, the ongoing support continues to evolve and care and recovery centres now exist in Barrington and Shelburne for those who need it.

When the wildfires were happening, the news was front and centre. As time passes events tend to fade from the public's view as they are replaced with new and pressing events, or just as life continues to move forward.

But for those who were impacted by the wildfires, there is no set timeframe as to when their needs will end.

They needed the support then and they still need the support now.

Thanks for providing it.


Still on the subject of thanks, kudos to those who have made it their mission to clean up our shorelines of marine debris that gets washed up, and also those working on the water working to retrieve what is commonly referred to as ghost gear.

Ghost gear is fishing and marine gear that gets lost at sea, making its home on the sea floor. Efforts have increased to bring that gear ashore too and much headway continues to be made.

... kudos to those who have made it their mission to clean up our shorelines ...

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