Tri-County Vanguard

‘Rebuilding hope’ for wildfire victims

GoFundMe helping uninsured homeowners sets $100,000 goal


A GoFundMe to help people in the Port Clyde and surroundin­g areas from Thomasvill­e to Beaverdam who lost their uninsured homes in the Barrington Lake Wildfire was almost three-quarters of the way towards a $100,000 goal three weeks into the campaign.

Started on July 3, 'Rebuilding Hope: Restoring Port Clyde and surroundin­g areas from Thomasvill­e to Beaverdam after the Devastatin­g Wildfire,' had topped $70,0000 by July 26.

Organized by volunteers

Dr. Paul Hanson and Jody VanNorden, both residents of the Clyde River area, the funds raised will be managed and disbursed by the Clyde Area Community Centre Associatio­n.

“We started with a goal of $5,000 but the money came in so quickly we bumped it up to $100,000,” says Hanson. “There's been a terrific response.”


There were seven uninsured primary residences in the Barrington Lake wildfire: six in the Municipali­ty of Barrington and one in the Municipali­ty of Shelburne, says VanNorden. “First and foremost we're looking to see what we can do for them.”

In addition to the GoFundMe, the Clyde Area Community Centre Associatio­n is also fundraisin­g for the cause. A recent breakfast at the community centre raised $3,175. There are also plans for online auctions.

“We'll keep rolling with it until we get to $100K,” says VanNorden.

A second GoFundMe started on June 2, 'Loss of Home - Shelburne County Wildfire,' in support of seniors Donna and Paul Locke, whose home was lost and uninsured, had raised $13,563 of a $20,000 goal by July 26.

The Barrington Lake Wildfire broke out in late May. Even after it was brought under control, hotspots continued to burn.

On July 26, the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables reported that the Barrington Lake fire, and also one in Tantallon, were now both officially out.

 ?? KATHY JOHNSON ?? Donna Locke gets a hug while at the former St, Matthew’s United Church in Clyde River on July 25. Donna and her husband Paul lost their uninsured home when the Barrington Lake wildfire swept through Shelburne County in late May/ early June.
KATHY JOHNSON Donna Locke gets a hug while at the former St, Matthew’s United Church in Clyde River on July 25. Donna and her husband Paul lost their uninsured home when the Barrington Lake wildfire swept through Shelburne County in late May/ early June.

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