Tri-County Vanguard

Dock St. Days celebratin­g firefighte­rs


Volunteer firefighte­rs will be celebrated and honoured at the second annual Dock St. Days festival in Shelburne on Aug. 4 and 5.

“The decision was made by the Shelburne events committee to shift the focus of the festival this year to celebrate the amazing volunteer firefighte­rs,” says Robin Smith, committee member and Community Developmen­t Coordinato­r for the Municipali­ty of Shelburne.

Volunteer firefighte­rs from throughout Nova Scotia were an integral part of the resources that helped battle the Barrington Lake wildfire that tore through Shelburne County in late May and early June.

Dock St. Days' activities will start to ramp up around 5 p.m. on Aug. 4. The opening ceremonies includes a firefighte­r appreciati­on ceremony starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Guild Hall. Presentati­ons will be made to all of the department­s, as well as many random prize draws for all Shelburne County volunteer fire department­s, says Smith. “The entire fireworks budget was allocated to purchase prizes and gift certificat­es. There will also be a $2,500 trip voucher (or cash value) drawn for a local firefighte­r.”

A parade of lights in Shelburne Harbour with a firefighte­r's theme will follow, while on land the Guild Hall will be rocking' with One Meter Up – one of the musical groups performing during Dock Street Days – not to mention the multitude of

other events happening on Shelburne's historic waterfront.

“The Parade of Lights this year will be our grand celebratio­n dedicated to the local volunteer firefighte­rs,” says Smith. “As a way to also recognize the impact the wildfires had on our fishing community and through generous

community donations, we are able to offer a random prize draw for a $2,500 trip voucher (or cash value) to all those that are participat­ing. There will also be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes based on this year's theme of 'Firefighte­rs,' as well as various other random prize draws.”

A Loyalist encampment, a

Fun Run, bouncy inflatable­s, a children's parade, a pet show, a floral demonstrat­ion by Neville MacKay, a firefighte­rs' fun competitio­n, 3-on-3 basketball tourney, Indigenous dancing, a Drummers from Home performanc­e, historical trivia, a book reading and new this year, barrel trawl tub races

and a cornhole tournament, will make up a lot of the fun.

Food and craft vendors, including a caricature artist, will also be on-site both days. Scavenger hunts and a beer tent round out the fun.

“The Shelburne Events Committee is very excited to be hosting Dock St. Days for the second year now and look forward to a wonderful weekend of cultural celebratio­n, great musical entertainm­ent and family fun,” says Smith.

“We want to recognize and celebrate our wonderful local volunteer firefighte­rs as well. This is only a small way to show our token of appreciati­on. We are looking forward to encouragin­g residents and all those visiting to be able to enjoy the festivitie­s taking place at the Black Loyalist Heritage Centre as well for Journey Back to Birchtown which is Aug. 5 and 6.”

 ?? KATHY JOHNSON PHOTOS ?? Firemen compete in a fun competitio­n at the 2022 Dock Street Days. The event is back on the calendar for this year’s Dock Street Days, which is a dedicated celebratio­n to volunteer firefighte­rs’ in appreciati­on for their efforts in battling the Barrington Lake wildfire.
KATHY JOHNSON PHOTOS Firemen compete in a fun competitio­n at the 2022 Dock Street Days. The event is back on the calendar for this year’s Dock Street Days, which is a dedicated celebratio­n to volunteer firefighte­rs’ in appreciati­on for their efforts in battling the Barrington Lake wildfire.
 ?? ?? People enjoy the sights, sounds and activities along Shelburne’s historic waterfront during Dock Street Days in 2022.
People enjoy the sights, sounds and activities along Shelburne’s historic waterfront during Dock Street Days in 2022.

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