Tri-County Vanguard

Library seeks volunteers for accessibil­ity committee


A group of six regional libraries is seeking volunteers to sit on its Library Accessibil­ity Committee to help identify, prevent and eliminate barriers in its libraries.

Committee members will provide guidance to Annapolis Valley Regional Library, Cape Breton Regional Library, Colchester-East Hants Public Library, Cumberland

For a downloadab­le applicatio­n visit:

• Western Counties Regional Library website’s 'Work at the Library' page online: westerncou­

Public Libraries, Eastern Counties Regional Library and Western Counties Regional Library.

The committee will play a work-at-the-library/

• Applicatio­ns can be dropped of at any branch of Western Counties Regional Library

• Or sent by email to:

pivotal role in helping these libraries become accessible and in compliance with Nova Scotia's Accessibil­ity Act, which was passed in 2017 to make Nova Scotia inclusive and barrier-free by 2030.

“With the help of committee volunteers, our libraries will develop an accessibil­ity plan that will make our libraries a place for everyone,” says Erin Comeau, executive director of Western Counties Regional Library. “We recognize the value of first-voice input from people with disabiliti­es.”

At least one-half of the members of the committee must have a disability or represent an organizati­on that represents people with disabiliti­es.

Disability includes a physical, mental, intellectu­al, learning or sensory impairment – including an episodic disability –that, in interactio­n with a barrier, hinders an individual's full and effective participat­ion in society.

The deadline to apply is Aug. 31. Online applicatio­ns can be found here: https://valleylibr­ Accessibil­ity-Committee/.

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