Tri-County Vanguard

Youth Music Rendezvous new to exhibition

A new spin on stage at Western Nova Scotia Exhibition in Yarmouth this week


Yarmouth resident and musician Kim Anderson explains a change that is coming to the Western Nova Scotia Exhibition taking place in Yarmouth Aug. 2-5. “Oh, the times they are a changing,” sang Bob Dylan all those years ago. And, as time keeps moving, we know that sometimes change is a good thing.

The Western Nova Scotia Exhibition was looking for some change for its youth talent stage this year – and its wish is coming true.

When I was approached to help with this stage there was one criterion that had to be met: No competitio­n.

Many years of my music career were spent helping youth grow their potential through education and performanc­e. Competitio­n was not welcome unless it was against yourself for improvemen­t. Talent and the internal desire to perform was.

My focus was to build or create stages for them to perform on. Exposing them to peers and accomplish­ed musicians, opening doors, building confidence, providing resources, and, most importantl­y, housing audiences.

Of course, Exhibition­s are well-known for competitio­n and many exhibitors travel to more than one across the province to compete with their animals, 4x4 trucks,

4-H, baking, and the list goes on.

These events have a longstandi­ng place in our communitie­s and provide a great environmen­t for competitor­s and audiences alike. However, this year the youth stage is playing a new octave and showcasing the young talent that is steadily on the rise in the Tri-Counties.

Enter stage right – The

Youth Music Rendezvous.

It's been a few years since the last time I organized a youth stage, and it didn't take long to remember why I loved doing it. With a Facebook call out for interested youth to perform and a few phone calls, I learned that youth in music was on the rise around the Tri-Counties.

One common trait we have in our community is the support we are willing to give to our young people. So, it didn't take long for old and new friends to contact me and help me book six acts that will represent a diverse youth age group. Some with more experience than others, I humbly admit it has been uplifting to guide those who have never done this before.

This is a well-paid “gig” on a profession­ally produced

stage in a large arena that can be overwhelmi­ng to experience. The capacity each act has to show off, without a doubt, will knock your socks off. There's a little bit of everything in terms of “style” but there's a whole lot of young wizardry that will leave you in awe.

I know I am super excited for the Youth Music Rendezvous and invite the community to come support the amazing group of young talent showcasing. An audience is so important to performanc­es, and we hope to have a nice crowd in the main arena at the Mariners Centre this week on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings at 7 pm.

This stage is proudly sponsored by Tessa Maillet of Remax, which is so important to help pay these fine young people. We also partnered with our local IGNITE Labs and will be offering original performing artists from this event the invitation to the Nova Scotia Music Week Ignite Youth Stage, which takes place in Yarmouth this November.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Autumn and Adam are one of the acts that will be performing during the Youth Music Rendezvous at the Western Nova Scotia Exhibition this week.
CONTRIBUTE­D Autumn and Adam are one of the acts that will be performing during the Youth Music Rendezvous at the Western Nova Scotia Exhibition this week.

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