Tri-County Vanguard

Cheers &Jeers



Not only have we come a long way since rotary phones and party lines, but now more and more people rely on cell phones over landlines for their communicat­ion needs.

They use cell phones to communicat­e both personally and/or for work and business.

So, when you can't get cellular coverage it is beyond inconvenie­nt and frustratin­g. And in terms of emergencie­s, especially if alerts are going out, it can also be a safety risk.

At a recent Yarmouth Municipal Council meeting, Yarmouth Warden John Cunningham says the issue of needed cellular coverage was being discussed when he was first elected to council in 2008. That was 15 years ago. And yet still, in the area he lives in and represents, there are dead zones where people can't get any cellular coverage at all.

Talk is great. But what's really needed, as he and others point out, is action.


What a great initiative IGNITE's ‘$100 Challenge for Youth,' which offers through a summer camp, is. At the July camp, the youth got to learn about business ideas and tips, marketing products, side hustles, and turning ideas into products and profit.

Then the kids got to sell their business products at a public market, displaying their wide range of creativity that included products such as cutting boards, natural skin care products, dog treats, fire pits, sewing items, art, custom t-shirts and more.

All of the kids enjoyed the experience, saying they learned a lot from it and Wade Cleveland of

IGNITE, summed things up best when asked what he hoped was the biggest takeaway – that its shows kids, he said, “You can do it.”


A colourful array of quilts lined the pews of the former St. Matthew's United Church in Clyde River last week but their beauty extended well beyond the colours and patterns.

The quilts, being called ‘Comfort Quilts,' were donated by quilters from across Canada who offered them up to be given to those who lost their homes during the Shelburne County wildfires.

The effort was spearheade­d by Digby County businesswo­man Debra Howard, who owns the Quilts by the Bay fabric store.

“The fires happened. We decided at the shop we would do something to show that we were all concerned and cared about what was going on and we wanted to give them back something that would bring a little bit of joy,” she said.

That people can wrap themselves up in this warmth and comfort is beautiful indeed.

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