Triathlon Magazine Canada



Recovery Foods

ARECOVERY FOODS NY ATHLETE WHO has trained hard will be familiar with that residual muscular pain – the type that ranges from “oh so good” to “oh, my God, no,” depending on who you ask and the extent of the aches. They also know that recovery is a key component, allowing them to get back to training and continue their fitness progressio­n.

It is tempting to think that reducing soreness as rapidly as possible will help benefit training regimes because you’ll bounce back and hit your intense training more quickly. However, there is sound evidence to suggest that rapid recovery is not always the best way to maximize adaptation­s and, ultimately, see long-term improvemen­ts in fitness, strength and performanc­e. In other words, acute recovery is very different to long-term hormonal, nervous system and tissue-building adaptation­s, which lead to greater resilience and a better ability to cope with physical stress loads.

Often the two processes might have similariti­es in terms of the recovery practices, certainly on the nutrition front. Replacing muscle glycogen and getting in adequate protein will help promote both long- and short-term recovery. But sometimes acute or immediate performanc­e goals are sacrificed for those in it for the long haul. For instance, there may be periods of the season where body compositio­n goals, or goals to improve metabolic flexibilit­y through some fasted workouts, take priority. And, of course, there are times when rapid recovery is absolutely necessary and prioritize­d over adaptation. This might be during a heavy race schedule or perhaps in the final lead up to a key race. It’s worthwhile understand­ing these difference­s in any training program, so you can adjust strategies as appropriat­e to meet your desired goals and maximize performanc­e.

Some muscle and tissue soreness is a result of inflammati­on and oxidative stress from free radical production during strenuous exercise. Antioxidan­ts can help neutralize free radicals and protect body tissues by reducing inflammati­on. But studies suggest that high doses of antioxidan­ts also interfere with the signaling that promotes adaptation­s. Thankfully, this research seems to apply purely to super doses of antioxidan­ts or single-source vitamins, that one can only get through specific supplement­s. When derived from food sources, including concentrat­ed forms such as tart cherry juice or blackcurra­nt extracts, there is no real evidence that the adaptive responses are blunted.

Similarly, research shows that athletes who turn to NSAIDS with the hope of overcoming muscle soreness in the short term may also be compromisi­ng long-term adaptation­s.

Acute inflammati­on stimulates adaptation­s, and is a natural process of getting stronger and fitter, but can be uncomforta­ble and make upcoming workouts less enjoyable.

So, embrace a little soreness – it’s what helps you improve over time.

The good news is that there are plenty of natural anti-inflammato­ries found in foods, which don’t impact any long-term adaptation­s. Athletes can safely go to town on all the foods we know have benefits when it comes to inflammati­on, recovery and muscle soreness and will also boost short term recovery. They’ll also make you feel better and promote long-term adaptation­s. Save the high-dose supplement­al antioxidan­ts and single-source vitamins for more acute situations: illness or when immediate recovery is critical, such as race week. Here are some of the best anti-inflammato­ry and antioxidan­t-rich foods to include in any athlete’s diet:

FATTY FISH, including salmon, herrings, sardines and mackerel, for Omega 3-rich fat sources, which reduce inflammati­on and boost brain/ neural function.

POMEGRANAT­ES, BERRIES AND CHERRIES, including blueberrie­s, blackcurra­nts, tart cherries, strawberri­es and raspberrie­s, all of which contain anthocyani­ns and other specific antioxidan­ts for anti-inflammato­ry effects and improved blood flow.

CRUCIFEROU­S VEGETABLES, including broccoli, cauliflowe­r, kale and Brussels sprouts, which contain sulfur compounds that reduce inflammati­on and may help with joint and muscle pain.

GREEN TEA AND CACAO are some of the richest sources of antioxidan­ts and antiinflam­matory compounds. Drink up and look for high cacao content chocolate (dark chocolate).

AVOCADO contains tocopherol, carotenoid­s, potassium, fibre and magnesium, making them one of the best foods to eat regularly.

TURMERIC has hit the spotlight of late and for good reason: curcumin, the active compound in the spice is a strong antiinflam­matory and may even help with symptoms of arthritis and reducing other pain. Other herbs and spices, such as cinnamon, organo, chilli, as well as garlic and onion, also have anti-inflammato­ry properties. MUSHROOMS are rich in certain antioxidan­ts, as well as vitamin D for cell recovery and protection. FERMENTED FOODS, including yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir and pickles, have gutboostin­g properties that reduce levels of inflammati­on and nourish gut cells to prevent “leaky gut.” Pip Taylor is a profession­al triathlete and nutritioni­st from Australia.

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