Triathlon Magazine Canada



Smoothie Pops

WITH SUMMER WEATHER comes cooling treats, and even though freezies and popsicles are typically for kids (OK, maybe not), that doesn’t mean adults can’t enjoy them, too. There is, however, a way to have our treats and benefit. We can cool ourselves down at the same time as we help our muscles recover and nourish our bodies.

My smoothie pops are made with carbohydra­tes, protein and probiotics, plus you can round them out with some healthy fats. They’re also super hydrating – a win-win.


are excellent to help replace energy stores after a workout. The natural sugars in fruit are also a delicious way to ingest electrolyt­es and antioxidan­ts.


is essential for recovery, and your muscles will love repairing from your choice of milk or milk alternativ­e, yogurt, nut butter or seeds.


help to keep your immune system on track. The last thing you want is to get sick in the middle of training. Adding probiotics to these pops will keep your entire body happy.

Healthy fats

help with inflammati­on and are excellent as part of a recovery snack. Blending in nuts, seeds or even avocado means you’ll be ready to go whenever your next workout is scheduled.

Follow one of the recipes below, or come up with your own creation. Have fun in the kitchen and know you’re doing your body a favour by making these delicious smoothie pops at home!

Ingredient­s Berry Smoothie Pops

1 cup berries

1 cup milk or milk alternativ­e ¼ cup plain kefir

2 tbsp chia seeds

Chocolate Banana Avocado Pops

1 ripe banana

1 avocado ½ cup Greek yogurt

2 tbsp cocoa powder


Blend the ingredient­s until smooth and place in popsicle molds. Freeze for 4 to 6 hours, or until completely frozen. If the mix is too thick, you can thin it out with a bit of milk/alternativ­e or water. Enjoy.

Each recipe makes 4 pops, depending on the size of your molds.

Seanna Thomas is a holistic nutritiona­l consultant from Toronto.

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