Truro News


Kohler Klimbing Wall instructor hosting event in support of mental health


TRURO - She is psyching herself up to climb the Kohler Klimbing Wall 250 times, but Michelle LeBlanc first hated the sport. “I had no idea what it entailed,” said LeBlanc, 30, one of the instructor­s at the climbing wall at the Rath Eastlink Community Centre. “I had never seen it before, I had never tried it before. I initially hated it - it hurts your hands and it hurts your feet.” But that hatred soon changed and rock climbing has consumed her life, so much so that she’s hosting a ‘ Play Happy’ event beginning at 9 a. m. on March 23 in support of the Canadian Mental Health Associatio­n’s Truro branch. She expects it will take about eight hours to climb 250 times, or the height of Mount Everest. It started out as a challenge, but she now realizes how “neat” it would be to use it as a fundraiser. “I understand the psychologi­cal and mental benefits through climbing and I know that recreation programs are often at the bottom of the chain that organizati­ons are able to use for funding,” she said about why she wanted to support the local branch. “Climbing builds self- reliance and it’s non- traditiona­l. A lot of people hosting fundraiser­s use hockey, basketball or baseball. I love team sports too; I know the therapeuti­c nature one can get from activities.” LeBlanc, who lives in Halifax, first started climbing when in her fourth year of kinesiolog­y. She required some activities and credits and sought out rock climbing. “At the time, I had played hockey with the ( University of New Brunswick) Varsity Reds, so I was used to being part of a team. Climbing is self- reliant. It’s a very individual experience - you’re only climbing for yourself. Climbing was super foreign to me. It took about a year for me to really get into it but it slowly took over my life.” While her goal is to raise $ 5,000 for the Truro branch, LeBlanc also hopes to raise awareness about mental health and the sport of climbing. “I want people to feel welcome to come out to the event, to see what rock climbing is all about and to try it out,” she said, adding while she is climbing her 250 pitches, staff will be on hand to help those who also want to try it. “It’s going to be a busy day, but rock climbing can be something that’s significan­tly rewarding. It has been for me - it’s the most rewarding thing I’ve done.” LeBlanc is collecting corporate sponsorshi­ps, as well as donations from individual­s. The event on the 23rd will feature a silent auction and donations can also be made to the cause. Anyone wishing to climb during the event will have their proceeds also go to the cause. “I encourage people to be willing to try it. Climbing helps build patience and focus and it evens the playing field to all sorts of different people.”

 ?? RAISSA TETANISH  TRURO DAILY NEWS ?? The Kohler Klimbing Wall will be a busy spot March 23 as Michelle LeBlanc tackles 250 laps in support of the Canadian Mental Health Associatio­n Truro branch.
RAISSA TETANISH  TRURO DAILY NEWS The Kohler Klimbing Wall will be a busy spot March 23 as Michelle LeBlanc tackles 250 laps in support of the Canadian Mental Health Associatio­n Truro branch.
 ?? RAISSA TETANISH  TRURO DAILY NEWS ?? Michelle LeBlanc, an instructor at the Rath Eastlink Community Centre’s Kohler Klimbing Wall, is hoping to raise $ 5,000 on March 23 during an event that will see her climb to the top 250 times. The event is a fundraiser for the Truro branch of the...
RAISSA TETANISH  TRURO DAILY NEWS Michelle LeBlanc, an instructor at the Rath Eastlink Community Centre’s Kohler Klimbing Wall, is hoping to raise $ 5,000 on March 23 during an event that will see her climb to the top 250 times. The event is a fundraiser for the Truro branch of the...

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