Truro News

Unique relationsh­ip

Trump, Trudeau strike conciliato­ry note


Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump struck an amiable, conciliato­ry note after face-to-face meetings Monday, acknowledg­ing the unique nature of the Canada-U.S. relationsh­ip and the need to keep trade moving across a shared, secure border.

Prior to their joint news conference, the two sides issued a joint statement on shared priorities that seemed to suggest the first in-person encounters between the prime minister and the U.S. president had gone well.

“America is deeply fortunate to have a neighbour like Canada,” Trump said. “We share the same values, we share the love – a truly great love – of freedom ... American and Canadian troops have gone to battle together, fought wars together and forged the special bonds that come when two nations have shed their blood together.”

The lengthy joint statement indicates the two sides have agreed to work on improving labour mobility and trade across the Canada-U.S. border, expand preclearan­ce agreements to cover cargo shipments and work on infrastruc­ture projects in both countries.

It reflects a grasp of a “unique” partnershi­p and a commitment to continue to strengthen ties

for the mutual benefit of the two countries.

“No other neighbours in the entire world are as fundamenta­lly linked as we are,” Trudeau said. “We fought in conflict zones together, negotiated environmen­tal treaties together ... and we’ve entered into groundbrea­king economic partnershi­ps that have created good jobs for both of our peoples.

“Canadians and Americans alike share a common history, as well as people-to-people ties that make us completely and

totally integrated.”

The statement acknowledg­es that Canada is a vital foreign market for some 35 U.S. states, with more than $2 billion flowing across the border each day.

The statement also acknowledg­es a shared goal of “moving forward on energy infrastruc­ture projects that will create jobs while respecting the environmen­t.”

It also says the two sides plan to build on a number of areas of environmen­tal co-operation, particular­ly along the border and the Great Lakes.

Earlier in the day, both leaders smiled and appeared to greet each other warmly as they shook hands at the door to the West Wing before the president ushered the prime minister inside.

Trudeau was accompanie­d by a who’s who of the Canadian government, including Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale and Finance Minister Bill Morneau.

Trudeau and his senior cabinet ministers are in Washington with one overarchin­g goal: keep Canada out of the U.S president’s protection­ist trade crosshairs.

That’s because Trump wants to renegotiat­e the North American Free Trade Agreement, has mused about a border tax, and could bring back “Buy American” protection­ism.

That is widely viewed as a major threat to the more than $2 billion in daily trade that flows across the world’s longest undefended border – the gateway to the biggest trading relationsh­ip on the planet.

Trump acknowledg­ed Monday his bigger concern is the Mexican end of the trade deal, saying that the goal would be to “tweak” those elements affecting Canada in order to better streamline cross-border trade.

 ?? AP PhOTO ?? President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shake hands during a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington.
AP PhOTO President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shake hands during a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington.

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