Truro News

Abe says he sought common goals, not difference­s with Trump


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says he stressed common goals, not difference­s, during his weekend meetings with U.S. President Donald Trump, whom he called a “good listener.”

Abe returned Monday night from the meetings in Washington and a round of golf with Trump at one of his courses in Florida.

“Surprising­ly, President Trump is a good listener. He is open to turning his ears to others, and he is friendly and open,” Abe said on NHK public television. “I was able to discuss frankly where Japan is headed to.”

Abe said his main goal was to show the world an unshakable Japan-U.S. alliance. He said the two leaders discussed Russia, China, North Korea and other key issues while they travelled together from Washington to Florida.

Abe, who has been criticized by opposition lawmakers at home for not speaking out against some of Trump’s more divisive policies, especially his refugee and immigratio­n measures, said he didn’t discuss them because they were internal U.S. policies.

“Rather than deliberate­ly stressing the difference­s, I wanted to start with acknowledg­ing our common goals,” Abe said. “When it comes to issues of global concern, my approach is to create an environmen­t where one can listen to the other party.”

Abe said he suggested to Trump the problems of Syria, Ukraine and Iran could not be resolved unless the leaders of the U.S. and Russia meet face to face. Abe has held talks more than a dozen times with Putin and described the Russian leader as “a man who keeps promises.”

Trump is seen as taking a softer approach toward Moscow than the administra­tion of Barack Obama. But his stance toward North Korea, which dominated their discussion­s after it launched a banned missile Sunday, will be tougher, Abe said.

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