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Horoscopes by Jacqueline Bigar

- Jacqueline Bigar is on the Internet at www.jacqueline­

Note: Bigar’s Stars is based on the degree of your sun at birth. The sign name is simply a label astrologer­s put on a set of degrees for convenienc­e. For best results, readers should refer to the dates following each sign.

A baby born today has a Sun in Pisces and a Moon in Scorpio.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Thursday,

March 16, 2017:

This year you often seem to know what is going to happen next. Many of you might not trust your inner voice, but you’ll need to test it out and use it when appropriat­e. Your intuition is a strength of yours. If you are single, this is a year of romance for you. Be open to many different personalit­y styles. If you are attached, the two of you will want to travel and/or explore a mutual interest together. You also experience an emotional depth and connection with your sweetie that will last for years to come. SCORPIO is as reflective as you are.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

ARIES (March 21-April 19) ★★★★ Communicat­ion seems to reflect a quality of togetherne­ss. Be more forthright with someone you work with. Your strong suit is not diplomacy, so be sure to touch base with a friend or loved one who won’t hesitate to give you the lay of the land. Tonight: A must appearance.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ★★★★ Stay on your chosen path, and you will find out a lot about those around you. Even if others indicate that they are on the same path, their actions might reveal a different story. You can count on feeling very differentl­y about a key person in your life. Tonight: Visit a loved one.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ★★★★ Pace yourself, and head in a new direction. You will see events unfurl in a unique way. How you deal with a controllin­g person who affects your life in multiple ways is important. You cannot avoid a conversati­on, no matter how much you might want to. Tonight: As you like it.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) ★★★★ Your creativity emerges after a long discussion with someone who has a lot of interestin­g ideas. As a result, you are likely to be more dynamic when approachin­g different situations or when coming up with solutions. Stay more upbeat. Tonight: Be naughty and nice!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ★★★ Stay close to home, but be ready for a change of atmosphere. A roommate or close family member is likely to express his or her discomfort in a way that is meaningful and direct. Do not have expectatio­ns for how others might react. Tonight: Dinner for two.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ★★★★ Keep a conversati­on from heading in a direction that you are not comfortabl­e with. You have a unique style that might distract others. Tap into your imaginatio­n, and you will find an easy resolution. Steer away from controllin­g people. Tonight: Smile the night away.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ★★★★★ You might be in the mood to deal with taxes and other serious matters. A conversati­on could be intimidati­ng, but you’ll prove to be on top of your game. Others seek your understand­ing and caring. Anything can happen when you open up a door. Tonight: Your treat.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ★★★★ You succeed when you are true to your word. You will discover a strong response to this trait, which benefits you in many ways. You tend to be secretive, but if you follow through, others will be less concerned about your elusive ways. Tonight: Beam in what you want.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ★★ You could feel as if you have less going for you than usual. That might be true, or perhaps it’s not, but either way, there is no need to be defensive. You’ll want to take a step back and decide to schedule a few days off just for you. Tonight: Make it an early night.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ★★★★ Zero in on what you want. You might sense what someone else needs, but you can’t be sure unless you ask him or her directly. Being open to others’ feedback is necessary. You seem to be able to know who is on the phone before you even answer it. Tonight: Play it like you mean it.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ★★★ A loved one might be impressed by your strong sense of direction. Consider treating this person to a late lunch and having a heart-to-heart conversati­on. Over a meal, people tend to relax more. Be sensitive to someone else’s demands. Tonight: A force to be dealt with.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ★★★★ You might want to respond to a friend’s inquiry. Make sure you speak in a tone that leaves open the possibilit­y of continuing the discussion at a later date. Clearly, many different ideas can lead to a reasonable resolution. Tonight: Read between the lines with a close loved one.

BORN TODAY Singer/songwriter Jerry Jeff Walker (1942), actor Jerry Lewis (1926), former U.S. first lady Pat Nixon (1912) ***

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