Truro News

Upgrades required at aging NSPE facilities

- By HARRy SUllIvAN Twitter: @tdnharry

Municipal funding being sought by the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Commission (NSPE) is required for infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts aimed at bringing aging buildings up to profession­al standards.

“We need to take the place to another level,” general manager Joe Nicholson told the Truro Daily News. “We’re trying to implement a lot of things.”

The NSPE Commission is requesting $200,000 from both the County of Colchester and the Town of Truro (for a total of $400,000) to upgrade a number of buildings Nicholson said is necessary to create the revenue generators and usable community space the facility is capable of.

“We’re looking for a bit of a boost so that money will hopefully be an investment, he said. “We view it as an important part of the community here.”

During the off-season, the NSPE provides about seven fulltime jobs and an equal number of part-time positions, he said, adding that those numbers pretty much double during summer months.

That is in addition to the numerous jobs provided by the Truro Raceway during the harness racing season, as well as spinoff economic benefits to a variety of local businesses and services.

Besides the annual exhibition, which last year attracted about 25,000, the facility also hosts numerous events from the 4-H Pro Show (10,000 people in 2016), Dalhousie AC woodsmen and equestrian shows and other sporting and agricultur­al activities.

“We need to need to take this place to another level so that we can actually have an offer out there and a facility where people want to bring their business and they want to host their event here,” Nicholson said.

Some of the infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts the funding is intended for include roof repairs, upgrades to electrical, sprinkler and ventilatio­ns systems, along with window and door replacemen­ts.

Officials also hope to connect to the town’s water supply as opposed to relying on well water.

“We want to build and go beyond what we’re doing now,” Nicholson said. “We don’t just want to maintain the status quo because that obviously is not going to get us anywhere.”

And, not acquiring the municipal funding the commission is asking for would make that task all the more challengin­g, he said.

“We’re working hard to make this place help meet its potential. It will be much more difficult if we don’t receive it.”

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