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Brain disease seen in most football players in large report


Research on 202 former football players found evidence of brain disease in nearly all of them, from athletes in the NFL, college and even high school.

It’s the largest update on chronic traumatic encephalop­athy, or CTE, a brain disease linked with repeated head blows.

But the report doesn’t confirm that the condition is common in all football players; it reflects high occurrence in samples at a Boston brain bank that studies CTE. Many donors or their families contribute­d because of the players’ repeated concussion­s and troubling symptoms before death.

“There are many questions that remain unanswered,” said lead author Dr. Ann McKee, a Boston University neuroscien­tist. “How common is this” in the general population and all football players?

“How many years of football is too many?” and “What is the genetic risk? Some players do not have evidence of this disease despite long playing years,” she noted.

It’s also uncertain if some players’ lifestyle habits - alcohol, drugs, steroids, diet - might somehow contribute, McKee said.

Dr. Munro Cullum, a neuropsych­ologist at UT Southweste­rn Medical Center in Dallas, emphasized that the report is based on a selective sample of men who were not necessaril­y representa­tive of all football players. He said problems other than CTE might explain some of their most common symptoms before death - depression, impulsivit­y and behaviour changes. He was not involved in the report.

McKee said research from the brain bank may lead to answers and an understand­ing of how to detect the disease in life, “while there’s still a chance to do something about it.” There’s no known treatment.

The strongest scientific evidence says CTE can only be diagnosed by examining brains after death, although some researcher­s are experiment­ing with tests performed on the living. Many scientists believe that repeated blows to the head increase risks for developing CTE, leading to progressiv­e loss of normal brain matter and an abnormal buildup of a protein called tau. Combat veterans and athletes in rough contact sports like football and boxing are among those thought to be most at risk.

The new report was published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio­n.

CTE was diagnosed in 177 former players or nearly 90 per cent of brains studied. That includes 110 of 111 brains from former NFL players; 48 of 53 college players; nine of 14 semi-profession­al players, seven of eight Canadian Football league players and three of 14 high school players. The disease was not found in brains from two younger players.

A panel of neuropatho­logists made the diagnosis by examining brain tissue, using recent criteria from the National Institute of Neurologic­al Disorders and Stroke, McKee said.

The NFL issued a statement saying these reports are important for advancing science related to head trauma and said the league “will continue to work with a wide range of experts to improve the health of current and former NFL athletes.”

After years of denials, the NFL acknowledg­ed a link between head blows and brain disease and agreed in a US$1 billion settlement to compensate former players who had accused the league of hiding the risks.

The journal update includes many previously reported cases, including former NFL players Bubba Smith, Ken Stabler, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson.

New ones include retired tight end Frank Wainright, whose 10year NFL career included stints with the Miami Dolphins, New Orleans Saints and Baltimore Ravens. Wainright died last October at age 48 from a heart attack triggered by bleeding in the brain, said his wife, Stacie. She said he had struggled almost eight years with frightenin­g symptoms including confusion, memory loss and behaviour changes.

Wainright played before the league adopted stricter safety rules and had many concussion­s, she said. He feared CTE and was adamant about donating his brain, she said.

“A lot of families are really tragically affected by it – not even mentioning what these men are going through and they’re really not sure what is happening to them. It’s like a storm that you can’t quite get out of,” his wife said.

Frank Wycheck, another former NFL tight end, said he worries that concussion­s during his nine-year career – the last seven with the Tennessee Titans – have left him with CTE and he plans to donate his brain to research.

“Some people have heads made of concrete, and it doesn’t really affect some of those guys,” he said. “But CTE is real.”

“I know I’m suffering through it, and it’s been a struggle and I feel for all the guys out there that are going through this,” said Wycheck, 45.

In the new report, McKee and colleagues found the most severe disease in former profession­al players; mild disease was found in all three former high school players diagnosed with the disease. Brain bank researcher­s previously reported that the earliest known evidence of CTE was found in a high school athlete who played football and other sports who died at age 18. He was not included in the current report.

The average age of death among all players studied was 66. There were 18 suicides among the 177 diagnosed.

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