Truro News

Hepatitis C: a silent killer and story that deserves more attention

- By Laurie edmiston Laurie Edmiston is executive director of CATIE, Canada’s source for HIV and hepatitis C informatio­n.

Hepatitis C is a silent killer — people can have it for decades without any symptoms — and a story that is not commonly known in Canada.

Yet this virus affects many people, highlights inequities in our health and social systems and is part of an important Canadian story.

Canada has a history of being on the forefront of addressing hepatitis C, starting with Dr. Michael Houghton, an internatio­nally recognized microbiolo­gist at the University of Alberta, who was the first to co-discover hepatitis C and continues to work with his team to create a vaccine for the virus.

Despite Canada’s significan­t role in discoverin­g the virus, the sad fact is that more than half of Canadians who have hepatitis C do not know that they have it, and even less people have access to the lifesaving medication­s, which are now more widely available.

Approximat­ely 330,000 Canadians are estimated to have hepatitis C, but limited awareness and narrow testing guidelines have meant that most Canadians do not get tested for hepatitis C, even though they may benefit from treatment.

In addition to limited testing, the curious and maddening fact is that most Canadians with hepatitis C need to get more sick from the virus before they can access the treatments. Liver injury (called fibrosis) gets worse the longer a patient has Hep C, and historical­ly access to treatment was limited to those with particular­ly severe fibrosis because of the high cost of the medication­s.

This situation is, thankfully, improving somewhat. Last February, the pan-Canadian Pharmaceut­ical Alliance negotiated an agreement with several pharmaceut­ical companies to lower prices for six hepatitis C medication­s, which will make it easier for those with Hep C to qualify for drug access. A number of provinces have announced changes in their provincial criteria and access is improving. In some provinces, however, access to medication­s is still somewhat restricted.

The story of hepatitis C also highlights broader social inequities and gaps in our health care system. Hepatitis C incidences are highest amongst the most marginaliz­ed and vulnerable Canadians: people who use injection drugs, Indigenous peoples and people in prisons. Thirtyfive per cent of the infections in Canada are among newcomers who come from high-prevalence countries and have been exposed to Hep C through the medical system. Yet these population­s face the biggest barriers in accessing healthcare services.

Prevention methods also remain somewhat inaccessib­le to population­s who need them the most. In Canada, hepatitis C is primarily spread through injection drug use and the best way to prevent the spread of the virus is to provide new needles and comprehens­ive harm reduction programmin­g to individual­s who inject drugs. Needle and syringe programs have proven effective at reducing transmissi­on, yet such programs are not available in prisons where the prevalence of hepatitis C and of drug use is extremely high. Needle and syringe programs are also very limited in rural and remote areas, as well as on reserves.

Canada could be poised to become a leader in its global response to hepatitis C. Last year, Canada endorsed the World Health Organizati­on’s Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis, 2016-21, committing us to the goals of eliminatin­g viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030 and, specifical­ly, to achieving a domestic diagnoses rate of 90 per cent, with 80 per cent of people living with hepatitis C being treated by 2030.

Hepatitis C could be – should be — a proud Canadian success story, building on the stellar work of Michael Houghton, our strong Canadian medical expertise, and the leadership coming from communitie­s most impacted by hepatitis C.

We need all Canadians to encourage our federal and provincial health department­s to take action, ensuring medical access and health care for all.

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