Truro News

Northern Pulp mill fined for failing stack test


Environmen­t Minister Iain Rankin issued a ministeria­l order to Northern Pulp Nova Scotia Corporatio­n Tuesday, requiring the company to address issues with its power boiler.

The mill’s industrial approval requires it to operate within a measure of 150 milligrams per referenced cubic metre of particulat­e matter when stacks are tested. The June 2017 stack test showed the power boiler tested at 224 milligrams per referenced cubic metre.

In part, the order requires the company to make public, on its website, stack test results until its industrial approval expires in 2020.

“The communitie­s surroundin­g the mill have asked for more informatio­n about these stack tests and this order should help address these concerns and enhance transparen­cy,” said Rankin.

Under the order, the company must provide the department with its external consultant reports, as well as any reports for the two audits completed on the power boiler and the power boiler emission control equipment in the summer of 2017. The company must also provide the department with all training records related to the power boiler.

The mill will undergo a scheduled shutdown in October. The order requires the company to provide the department with detailed reports about what is planned for the shutdown, when the shutdown is completed and what the company achieved to bring the power boiler into compliance.

In addition to the order, the company was served a summary offence ticket for $697.50 for failing to comply with the terms and conditions of its industrial approval. These enforcemen­t measures follow an investigat­ion by the department after the June stack test.

As part of its industrial approval, Northern Pulp is required to conduct power boiler stack tests four times a year. These tests are a proactive way to catch and address any problems with the boiler before it potentiall­y causes a larger environmen­tal issue. These are not health-based tests.

Pictou’s ambient air measures are well below the national average, according to Health Canada’s guidelines, when it comes to health measures, and have been since 2014 when the new precipitat­or was put in place.

Kathy Cloutier, PEC communicat­ions director for Northern Pulp, said levels within the industrial approval have been reduced from 500 to 150 mg/Rm3 in July 2012. She said that of the past 10 regulatory stack tests conducted, three have been out of compliance.

“Northern Pulp continues to work diligently to return to regulatory compliance,” she said.

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