Truro News

Victory for Viva

Dog wins ribbons just months after major knee surgery


When Jenny Best saw her sixyear- old Newfoundla­nd dog lying on the floor in pain she was afraid the dog might have a life-altering injury. Four and a half months later, thanks to TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancemen­t) surgery, the dog took part in twoday rally obedience trials, placing second in her class both days.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine she’d perform so well,” said Best. “It was just wonderful to see her do so well.”

It was June 11 when Viva’s knee was injured while she was playing with the other Newfoundla­nd dogs in the family.

“I was terrified,” said Best. “When we took her in to emergency I was afraid it was something worse, she was in such great discomfort. I could feel her bones grinding.”

Best was relieved to hear Viva’s cruciate ligament had been damaged, because she knew there was surgery available for the condition. Dr. Ed Macmillan, of Central Nova Animal Hospital, performed TTA surgery on Viva. This involved realigning the ligament and inserting a bone space, plate and screws.

For a while there were a lot of restrictio­ns on Viva’s activity. She could only go out on a leash, couldn’t play with the other dogs and had to be on foam matting. Best had to help her with special exercises.

Viva, who joined Best’s family when she was 10 weeks old, had competed in obedience and rally in the past so as she healed it was felt that getting involved with intermedia­te level rally would be a good way to exercise.

“She’s a social butterfly so she loves to be out at things,” said Best. “She scored 97 on Saturday and 95 on Sunday. I didn’t expect those scores.”

Best has had Newfoundla­nds for about 10 years and considers wthem a fabulous family dog.

“There’s just something special about them. They’re happy go lucky, love work and love to please, but they’re not too active or high-strung. They’re very kind and gentle, although sometimes they forget how big they are.”

 ?? LYNN CURWIN/TRURO DAILY NEWS ?? It was a scary time for Jenny Best when her Newfoundla­nd dog Viva injured her knee. But following surgery, the dog has made a remarkable recovery and is even taking part in competitio­ns.
LYNN CURWIN/TRURO DAILY NEWS It was a scary time for Jenny Best when her Newfoundla­nd dog Viva injured her knee. But following surgery, the dog has made a remarkable recovery and is even taking part in competitio­ns.

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