Truro News

Silent no more


The recent flood of sexual harassment and abuse allegation­s against powerful men in politics, entertainm­ent, media and other areas is abhorrent. Each day seems to bring more complaints — many suppressed over long, agonizing months or years. We wonder when the next bombshell will drop?

When a man can brag about assaulting women and weeks later is elected president of the United States, what message does that send? Is it possible for women to get justice, have their voices heard or be believed?

When popular actresses are only able to tell their story years afterwards, why do we raise questions when the average woman or vulnerable teenager chooses to remain silent? Women know all too well the obstacles they face in sexual abuse cases. Often, the victims are the ones who face scrutiny and challenges. Is it any wonder they are reluctant to come forward? Their tormentors count on this.

Some might think that things are different in Canada. They are not. A Globe and Mail investigat­ion earlier this year suggested that 90 per cent of sexual assaults are never reported. Police files indicate they simply dismissed 20 per cent of complaints as unfounded because they didn’t believe the women. As a result of the newspaper’s revelation­s, police forces across the nation have re-opened more than 10,000 sexual assault cases. These women might finally get justice.

More help is finally coming to women in Atlantic Canada. Pilot projects have launched in two provinces for free, independen­t legal advice to survivors of sexual assault. The pilots are long overdue and need to expand throughout this region. The RCMP is coming on board with a complement­ary national program.

The federal-provincial pilot announced in Nova Scotia last week promises to tear down some obstacles and eliminate the stigma attached to these complaints. A similar program was launched in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador in April. Both are based on a 2016 Ontario plan aimed at combatting sexual violence and harassment.

Sexual assault victims in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador and Nova Scotia will have access to up to four hours of free legal advice to help them consider their options after an assault. While the service doesn’t extend into the courtroom, it does give women a better understand­ing of how the criminal justice system works and helps them make an informed decision on whether to report the matter to police or pursue civil action.

The RCMP is exploring ways to expand a program that already exists in British Columbia and Yukon, which allows victims to report allegation­s of sexual assault – and get the help they need – without actually having to go to the police and face their fear of not being believed. It’s third party reporting that could be implemente­d in Rcmp-policed jurisdicti­ons. Women can report details to a victim-assistance program or a sexual assault centre, which then shares the informatio­n anonymousl­y with police.

Women are silent no more, and we, as a society are so much better because of it.

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