Truro News

Impatience builds over suspicious fires

Residents concerned over pace of investigat­ion into rash of fires


People in Collingwoo­d are on edge.

“People are scared, people are nervous,” said Mike Carter, Fire Services Co-ordinator with Cumberland County.

Carter was talking to about 130 people who packed the Collingwoo­d and District Fire Hall last week to talk about a rash of fires in the past three weeks that has destroyed four vacant homes in the area, as well as one failed attempt to start a fifth vacant home on fire.

Carter took questions, along with members of the RCMP and Collingwoo­d Fire Chief Jake Cotton.

RCMP Sgt. Dave Lilly said the fires are currently under investigat­ion, and he believes they are connected.

“We don’t have proof of that but It’s hard not to suspect they are connected,” said Lilly.

He added it takes time to gather and process informatio­n.

Some in the crowd made it clear they want the process sped up.

“I understand we need evidence before we can arrest somebody,” said one man. “But it’s too late after a volunteer fireman’s dead or a family member is dead.”

Lilly encouraged people to report suspicious activity, such as seeing somebody walking down the road with a five-gallon can of gasoline or kerosene.

One man responded by saying if he sees somebody walking with a five-gallon gas of gasoline he might do more than call the RCMP.

“Make sure they’re not going to fill up their broken-down car a few kilometres down the road,” said Lilly, before reminding people to not take justice into their own hands.

Some in the crowd said rumours have spread that the fires are being started by a member of the fire department.

Carter said it’s dishearten­ing to hear this latest rumour.

“This rumour got to the chief. He was very upset over these allegation­s. This allegation went directly to the Fire Marshall,” said Carter.

RCMP asks people to stay away from the scene of a fire, saying they could bring a dog out to track the scene, and too many people could hamper the dog.

Lilly hopes Thursday night’s meeting will help discourage any future fires.

“I’m hoping that with all these people out here tonight and knowing that everybody cares, that whoever is responsibl­e for this, if they have any common sense, will cease and desist immediatel­y before somebody gets hurt,” said Lilly.

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