Truro News

YOUR horoscope

- By Jacqueline Bigar

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Monday, March 5, 2018:

This year you embrace an unusually open and creative style. You relate well on an individual level in nearly all types of situations. You express and manifest the ability to lead an intense one-on-one talk. If you are single, you identify well with many different types of people. You need to decide what type of bond you want, because you will meet many people with ease. If you are attached, the two of you often can be found chatting over a candleligh­t dinner or walking hand in hand. This year might be a great one to schedule a special trip together. SCORPIO encourages you to break out of the box.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

You might wake up feeling tired and less energized than usual because of a bad night’s sleep. Your tendency is to defer to others more frequently than you have been as of late. Take a break at a certain point in order to squeeze in a power nap.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

You might feel pressured by the realizatio­n that you need to clear out your work as quickly as possible. Know that your diligence and patience while working with a difficult person in your life will pay off. Do not be discourage­d.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Your upbeat nature helps you clear up any problems you might run into. You see ways to bypass a problem that others can’t even fathom. Others will be rather tight with their money and other forms of giving right now.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Your abundant energy and upbeat mood might surprise you. Dealing with an older and respected person could test your patience and willingnes­s to come to a solution. You work from a solid base of values, which is very clear right now.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

You will be focused on what’s happening on the homefront. The unexpected occurs when dealing with new informatio­n. You might get a reaction that you did not anticipate. As a result, you might need to work longer than you originally had thought you would.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Focus on what is happening. Your creativity surges, which allows greater give-and-take between you and others. Open up to change, and let go of the status quo. However, use caution with any spending. Help a loved one to open up.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Smile, and know that others will respond quickly to you because of the nature of your communicat­ion and their need to be involved. You could find some of your associates to be quite excitable and unpredicta­ble. Just go with the flow.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You might look around and wonder what is going on. Lie low, and try to steer clear of controllin­g people. Your sense of humor emerges when you walk into a similar situation with someone you consider to be profoundly logical.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Focus on communicat­ion between you and others. A child or loved one could be quite disruptive, at least to your schedule. You would prefer to have a more relaxed and easygoing bond with this person, but he or she is not able to grasp that fact right now.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You could be in a situation where you need to focus on what is happening between you and someone else. This person’s reaction could be quite dynamic if you start asking serious questions. Postpone making any serious decisions for now.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You could be excited about a situation that is developing around you. It seems as if there are some twists and turns on the way, but know that everything will work out. You might feel somewhat drained or discourage­d at times today.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Keep reaching out to someone you care about. You might be concerned about a personal matter involving your finances. Take a step back from the situation in order to gain a full perspectiv­e. Emphasize your long-term needs and desires.


Actress Eva Mendes (1974), magician Penn Jillette (1955), singer Andy Gibb (1958)

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