Truro News

No free rides

New parking fees make Disney getaways even more expensive

- Disney World will now be imposing fees for parking at its hotels. BY PAULINE FROMMER

In a move that has appalled many, Disney has announced it will get rid of the courtesy it has extended to Walt Disney World resort guests since the theme park’s founding: free parking.

The big Mouse is nibbling away at vacation budgets once again.

In a move that has appalled even the most devoted Disney fanatics, Disney just announced that it will be getting rid of the courtesy it has extended to Walt Disney World resort guests since the theme park’s founding: free parking. Those who just came to the parks for the day always had to pay ($22 a day is the current price), but those who stayed on property were rewarded with a gratis parking space. No more. After March 21, those staying at Disney’s luxury resorts began paying even more than the daytripper­s - a whopping $24. Those in the Mouse’s value resorts will park for $13/night; moderate resort parking will be $19.

It’s a rough move for families who save for months, and even years, to afford a Disney vacation. For a weeklong stay in one of Disney’s iconic properties that’s an additional, and unexpected, $144.

This comes after years of Disney making those who are not staying on property feel like second-class citizens. If you stay off Disney property, you’re booted out of the parks an hour earlier on many days (or admitted an hour later) than on-property guests. And you are always later in the line for rides and specialty meals - first dibs on those go to Disney resort guests, a formidable perk.

If the new parking fees are going to cut into your budget, here are a few ways that you might be able to save:

Book park entrance only for the full days that you’re going to be in the park. Many would-be guests are persuaded to buy entry on the days they arrive or leave, and pay full price for a half-day or less at the parks. Hang out at the pool instead for a few hours.

Consider doing without a car: Disney does pick up guests from the airport and shuttle them around. That option now will be far more cost-effective than renting, even if you decide to take an Uber to visit Harry Potter at Universal Studios while in Florida.

Don’t get the meal plan: Most find they don’t eat enough to make it worth their while, especially because the plan requires more sit-down, waitered meals than most time-challenged theme-park-goers want to have.

By the way, Disney Parks made $1.3 billion in the past quarter alone. That’s a lot of cheese.

Note to the reader: Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip. The informatio­n in this column was accurate when it was released, but prices are competitiv­e, sometimes limited and can always change without notice. Pauline Frommer is the Editorial Director for the Frommer Travel Guides and She co-hosts the radio program The Travel Show with her father, Arthur Frommer and is the author of the best-selling Frommer’s Easyguide to New York City.

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