Truro News

Pipeline protesters including Green leader should face criminal charges: judge


A B.C. Supreme Court judge says the Crown should consider laying criminal contempt of court charges against Green party Leader Elizabeth May and dozens of other demonstrat­ors alleged to have violated a pipeline court injunction.

May, New Democrat MP Kennedy Stewart, and others arrested last month are currently charged with civil contempt of court over allegation­s that they protested within five metres of two Trans Mountain sites in Burnaby, B.C.

But Justice Kenneth Affleck said the case should not be left to Trans Mountain to pursue as a private litigant and the matter should be taken over by B.C.’S attorney general.

“There is no doubt in my mind that the conduct that is alleged here amounts to criminal contempt of court,” he said Monday.

“They are matters of public importance, they ought not to be left in the hands of a private litigant.”

A spokesman from the Ministry of Attorney General said Monday that the independen­t B.C. Prosecutio­n Service would be responsibl­e for pursuing cases of criminal contempt.

May was arrested with several others on March 23 when she joined protesters to rally against the expansion of the pipeline.

The B.C. Prosecutio­n Service’s civil disobedien­ce policy manual says whether contempt is a civil or criminal matter is determined by “the character and nature of the conduct.”

A dispute of civil contempt would remain between the parties involved, while criminal con- Kat Roivas, who is opposed to the expansion of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline, stands at an access gate at the company’s property near an area where work is taking place, in Burnaby, B.C.

tempt involves the public interest in administer­ing justice, says a copy of the manual posted to the B.C. government website.

“A criminal contempt often involves a mass disobedien­ce of a court order which tends to bring the administra­tion of justice into disrepute or scorn,” it says.

Trevor Shaw, a lawyer for the B.C. Prosecutio­n Service, told the judge it would carefully consider a referral of the case from the court and report back “on what we see as the next steps that are viable and appropriat­e.”

Civil and criminal contempt charges have “substantia­l overlap,” Shaw said.

“The contempt, when it’s criminal in nature, is typically

reserved for cases where there has been a failure for an effective civil enforcemen­t, there has been particular­ly egregious conduct, repeat offenders or sentences where there have been violence or damaged property,” he said.

Maureen Killoran, counsel for Trans Mountain, said it’s the responsibi­lity of the court, not the company, to move forward on prosecutin­g the 150 people arrested at the site since the injunction was granted.

“The injunction order from the perspectiv­e of Trans Mountain is meaningles­s. It is a circus on site, and the court must take steps to protect the rule of law,” she said.

Affleck said the trials, which should be expedited, aren’t de-

termining the merit of the pipeline expansion project that faces fierce opposition in B.C.

“This trial is not about the whether the work being done by Trans Mountain or Kinder Morgan is lawful or environmen­tally wise, none of that,” he said. “The only issue is, has there been public defiance of the order?”

May’s lawyer, Andi Mackay, said the court’s direction to have the charges proceed as criminal rather than civil were clear, and while defendants intend to cooperate, they need more time.

She said only 15 of the 25 people in court on Monday had actually been served, and many people still needed time to find a lawyer.

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