Truro News

Rare case is settled by a plea bargain


An extremely rare trial scheduled to proceed ursday in Truro on prostituti­on-related charges came to an early conclusion when the Crown and defence reached a plea-bargain agreement.

As a result, Shawn Day, 31, of Prince Street was sentenced to six months custody after entering a guilty plea on a charge of living o the avails of prostituti­on.

“ e facts are … that in February 2013 the defendant did accept $100 from the complainan­t to stay with him for one week knowing that the money was from prostituti­on,” defence lawyer Wayne Bacchus told the court.

e original charge alleged that Day “did live on the avails of prostituti­on of (his complainan­t) a person under age 18.” e woman’s name is banned from publicatio­n to protect her identity.

The age reference was struck from the guilty plea that was agreed to by the defence and the Crown, who put forth a joint sentencing recommenda­tion. Crown attorney Laura Barrett agreed, as well, to o er no evidence on a charge that Day had exercised control over the woman in such a manner as to show that he was aiding her to engage in prostituti­on. e Crown also agreed to o er no evidence on two charges of assault against another individual that Day was scheduled to stand trial for in June.

Local justice o cials said the prostituti­on-related case was the rst of its kind to come before the courts in more than 20 years. After the sentencing hearing, Judge William Digby thanked the complainan­t for attending the hearing and commented on the importance of participat­ing in the process.

“I just hope at this time it helps Mr. Day understand the damage he does to a female when he does these types of offences,” the woman said.

“I’m sure his mother will remind him,” Digby responded. “She’s had a lot of sleepless nights, I bet.”

“So will his new fiancé,” the woman said, of Day’s girlfriend who was present in the court.

Day’s six-month term in custody is in addition to a current two-year sentence he was handed in February for possessing cocaine for the purpose of traffickin­g.

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