Truro News

Driven to help

Residents rally to replace vandalized sign at Herb Peppard Park


An act of vandalism has resulted in a teaching moment and a show of community spirit in Truro’s east end.

e sign at Herb Peppard Park, on Alice Street, was damaged in late May, but a burst of energy from local residents will ensure its replaced as soon as possible.

“We’re there every day,” said Pascal Atkin, who has three children. “I was pretty heartbroke­n when I saw the damage. e area with Herb’s face was so damaged, so it was pretty disrespect­ful, and it took some e ort.”

Talking with her children about ways to raise funds to repair or replace the sign, the idea of holding a bottle drive came up.

“I decided to post that on Facebook and 20-30 people reached out and said they had bottles,” said Atkin.

More planning took place, and it was decided that children, with adult helpers, would go around the neighbourh­ood after school on ursday and today, picking up refundable items left out for them. On Saturday, people are invited to drop bottles o at the park between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

“Herb Peppard is beloved and this park means a lot to the people here,” said Cathy Hinton, Ward 3 councillor and lifelong resident of the area. “Herb told me having the park named after him was one of the best honours in his life.

“Something bad has happened, but this is such a lesson in a community coming together. I’m so proud of people for stepping up and building even more of a sense of community.”

She said the cost of replacing the sign is $2,000. If it is enclosed in a protective case the cost is $3,000.

 ?? LYNN CURWIN/TRURO DAILY NEWS ?? The climbing wall at Herb Peppard Park is a popular attraction. Some of the children who use the park are taking part in a bottle drive to help raise money for a new sign at the park, to replace one that was recently damaged.
LYNN CURWIN/TRURO DAILY NEWS The climbing wall at Herb Peppard Park is a popular attraction. Some of the children who use the park are taking part in a bottle drive to help raise money for a new sign at the park, to replace one that was recently damaged.

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