Truro News

Second woman comes forward

Complaint lodged over treatment at Truro hospital after sexual assault


A second woman has come forward with a complaint over how she was treated at the Colchester East Hants Health Centre (CEHHC) after she went to the emergency department to report a sexual assault.

“It was the night my soul was taken from me,” the woman told the Truro News.

e woman, who asked that her identity not be released for personal reasons, said although the incident occurred four years ago, she’s decided to come forward now after reading a recent story published by the Truro News. at account was of a young woman who also went to the Truro emergency department to report a sexual assault and was sent away with only pamphlets, never having been given an opportunit­y to speak to a nurse or doctor.

She was taken by her mother to Antigonish where she was treated through the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program at that hospital. She has also since reported the assault incident to police.

The second woman has sent a letter outlining her experience to Health and Wellness Minister Randy Delorey, a copy of which was provided to the Truro News.

“I want you to know that this is obviously common practice at this hospital,” she says in her letter. “I have not come forward with my story until now because I have tried to move past being a victim.”

She said the incident occurred Sept. 18, 2014 when she was sexually and physically assaulted by her then-husband of 17 years.

“It took me three days to nally come forward and report to the RCMP.”

After going through questionin­g and “what I felt was an interrogat­ion and re-victimizat­ion at our local detachment” she was asked by police to go to the hospital to have a rape kit done. At the CEHHC emergency room, she said she felt like every person there knew why she was there.

“I remember sitting there (it was cold) thinking what do I say when I have to talk to the male triage nurse. What words do I use? Will he judge me? Will he think badly of me? Will I have to tell him all the disgusting details? Will I have to take my clothes off and show them my violated body? Should I just leave? These are just some of the things that raced through my mind at that time.”

On her name being called, she told the male triage nurse the RCMP want her to have a rape kit completed. He took vitals and sent her back to the waiting room, she said.

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