Truro News

Four charged after Bible Hill man beaten with pipe


Four men face charges after a 69-year-old Bible Hill man was held down and beaten.

Shortly after 2 p.m. Monday, a man drove into the driveway of a Pictou Road home and a verbal argument ensued.

ree other men arrived in another vehicle, one with a pipe.

e resident of the house said he didn’t want any trouble and ran into a garage, but the glass of the garage door was smashed with the pipe.

RCMP report a neighbour heard the commotion and yelled at the suspects to leave. He was then held down by two men while the others beat him with their sts and the pipe, knocking him unconsciou­s.

A woman saw what was happening and called 911.

When people on a neighbouri­ng property came to the victim’s defence, the suspects drove o . RCMP located the vehicles a short time later, arrested four men, and retrieved the pipe.

EHS took the 69-year-old victim to hospital, where he was treated and released.

The suspects were held in custody overnight and appeared in Truro Provincial Court Tuesday.

Craig Hollis Bessette, 32, of Truro has been charged with three counts of assault causing bodily harm.

William James Desjardins, 27, of Shortts Lake, has been charged with assault causing bodily harm, possession of brass knuckles for a dangerous purpose, and possession of a prohibited weapon.

Shawn Kenneth Ban eld, 34, of Lantz, has been charged with assault with a weapon, mischief, and possession of a weapon for the purpose of committing an offence.

Stephen Guy Lively, 32, of Shubenacad­ie, has been charged with assault causing bodily harm, and mischief.

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