Truro News

Bobcat pays Christmas Day visit to Saints Rest couple


Susan Grue has seen a few wildlife creatures around her rural Saints Rest home in the 19 years she’s lived there. But having a visit from a bobcat on Christmas Day was certainly a first.

“I was sitting here and my partner (Chris Pratt) was in the porch and we heard like a thumping noise run across the deck, kinda loud, and we knew it wasn’t one of the house cats,” she said.

When Pratt opened the door, there was a bobcat, right outside on the deck, with a domesticat­ed stray cat in its mouth.

“It had it right by the scruff of the neck,” she said. “As soon as he opened the door he dropped it.”

The bobcat trotted away a short distance and then stopped to look back before sauntering off across the road to the neighbour’s driveway, where it sat up on its haunches looking back at them.

Grue snapped a few pictures of the bobcat and watched as it disappeare­d behind the house. About 15 minutes later, she said, the wild cat returned, sniffed her door ledge and then sat down on her door mat.

He wasn’t too afraid,” she said. “He watched me for a few minutes and then turned and walked off.

Grue then got her cellphone and began snapping more pictures.

“I got quite close to him and he just sat there looking at me. Maybe he was waiting for his dinner,” she added, with a chuckle.

Grue said the bobcat looked healthy and did not show signs of aggression.

“It was quite exciting though. We were happy to see him,” she said.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Susan Grue and Christ Patterson of Saints Rest, near Bass River, were pleasantly surprised to receive a visit on Christmas Day from a bobcat that came right up on their front deck.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Susan Grue and Christ Patterson of Saints Rest, near Bass River, were pleasantly surprised to receive a visit on Christmas Day from a bobcat that came right up on their front deck.

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