Truro News


Local man is very grateful for his wife’s strong support

- Lyle Carter’s column appears every second week in the Truro News. If you have a column idea, contact him at 902-673-2857. Lyle Carter

Kenny and Angela Loughead faced some serious times as Kenny required a double lung transplant, but they had lots of support from home.

Editor’s Note: This is the second in a two-part series. It’s been approximat­ely five months since Kenny Loughead came through a successful 10hour double lung transplant operation at Toronto General Hospital.

The Truro resident expressed gratitude for his wife, Angela.

“She’s been with me every step of the way,” said Kenny, 61. “I just would not be here today if it were not for Angela.”

A serious situation developed in early 2018.

“I was outdoors with my oxygen tank and I had an asthma attack. I couldn’t find the lever to open the tank, I started panicking but I managed to call Angela on my cellphone. When Angela arrived, I was gasping.”

With help from a neighbour, Angela managed to get the tank open and Kenny was rushed to hospital.

“The staff at the Truro hospital saved Kenny’s life,” Angela said. “They were wonderful; I can’t say enough about how they responded.”

Kenny’s health continued to worsen.

“I couldn’t tie my own sneakers,” he said.

Kenny learned from Dr. Meredith Chiasson, a lung expert in Halifax, that he was a candidate for a double lung transplant. When his condition became more serious in early 2019, the decision was made to move towards an operation.

“We had three weeks to get everything in order and get to Toronto,” Kenny said. “It was really tough, but I believed everything was going to work out.”

Angela recalled being very isolated in Toronto.

“Many of the people we loved were back here,” said Angela. “but Kenny and I never doubted that it would be a successful operation. And, our family and friends were the same, no one ever doubted.”

March 15 became an important day.

“I signed a consent form for Toronto General Hospital to transplant lungs from another person to me,” Kenny said. “They told me of all the risks involved.”

That same day they met Dr. Laura Donahoe, one of several lung transplant surgeons at Toronto General Hospital.

“She started the conversati­on by saying I see you people are from Truro,” Kenny recalled. “She then asked if we knew any Donahoes living in Truro.”

The couple would be amazed to learn that the surgeon’s grandfathe­r, Dr. Anthony Donahoe, had been a Truro family doctor during the 1950s and 1960s.

“He was actually the Loughead family doctor,” said Kenny. “Dr. Donahoe was amazed, she couldn’t believe it. We talked about it at length. Wondering who my surgeon would be, I thought what if…? I asked, are you doing my surgery? She said yes.”

For Angela, the Truro connection was a pleasant coincidenc­e.

“It was wonderful to hear, it eased everything. It gave Kenny such a surge of confidence and strength. It was a sign of encouragem­ent, it was a distractio­n from having to think about the surgery.”

The date – May 4, 2019 – arrived. Kenny would undergo a 10-hour surgery, receiving a double lung transplant.

“Part of my motivation and one of my goals for the large operation was to be able to tie my grandson Casey’s skates again,” Kenny shared. “I wanted to be able to do things without being out of breath. “How do I feel now? I feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world. I feel like I’ve been given a second chance. I look at life differentl­y.”

Angela said the day Kenny went into surgery in Toronto, great things were happening back in Truro.

“A fundraiser, a silent auction and a dance was held for Kenny at the legion; we can’t thank people enough. It was announced at the dance, people were able to learn that Kenny came out of surgery and that he was safe.”

Later, during more than two weeks in intensive care, Kenny was shown a video of the fundraiser.

“I can’t describe the feeling that came over me,” Kenny said. “I crumbled, I became emotional. It was powerful, the love, the generosity of so many people.”

Following three months in recovery in Toronto, Kenny and Angela returned to Truro Aug. 13. Still openly thanking people from near and far, Kenny and Angela also praised the support of relatives in Brantford, Ont.

“And, we thank the donor family every single day,” Angela said.

Kenny hopes to reach out to anyone who might be facing a situation similar to his.

“If I can help in any way, telephone me,” he said.

Kenny’s number is 902-9561820.

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 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Angela and Kenny Loughead are seen recently near their Truro home.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Angela and Kenny Loughead are seen recently near their Truro home.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Casey is going to suit up with the Toronto Maple Leafs while his grandpa, Kenny Loughead, plans to crack the Montreal Canadiens’ roster.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Casey is going to suit up with the Toronto Maple Leafs while his grandpa, Kenny Loughead, plans to crack the Montreal Canadiens’ roster.
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