Truro News

An athlete with two passions


Troy Hunt has played hockey for as long as he can remember.

In 2022, he started powerlifti­ng, and since then, his passion for the sport has grown more and more.

A 15-year-old student from Cobequid Educationa­l Centre, he took some time to answer a few of our questions.

Q: You are heavily involved with two very different sports: hockey and powerlifti­ng. Can you tell us how long you've been involved with each sport?

Hunt: I started playing hockey as a very young kid. My whole family was around hockey. My mom, dad and sister play hockey, it’s always been a part of my lifestyle. The powerlifti­ng started in 2022. Started up with a few friends of mine. And I kind of just got the liking for it. Had a passion for getting better and doing better. Working toward something.

Q: For those who may not be fully aware of what powerlifti­ng consists of, could you explain it to us?

Hunt: Powerlifti­ng consists of the generic three lifts: the squat, the bench and the deadlift. Unlike Olympic weightlift­ing, there is no lifting the bar above your head. I like powerlifti­ng over the Olympic weightlift­ing because there’s less technique. There is still a lot of technique, but it’s about being able to lift more than the other people you're up against.

Q: Currently you play defence for the Fundy Thunder U16AAA. How has playing on a team influenced your personal growth?

Hunt: This year in particular I feel like I really fit in with the group. It's helped a lot outside of hockey, too. Just being a better person.

Q: What does your gym routine look like when training for a powerlifti­ng competitio­n?

Hunt: 10 weeks out from competitio­n it will be a little more strict than off season. I’m normally on a program and that consists of bench press, deadlift and squat, normally two-to-three times a week. I normally go to the gym four times a week but outside of the 10 weeks going into the meet is more of a hypertroph­y program, so that’s going to the gym more regularly and not working on getting stronger in those lifts, but looking better and improving my lifestyle.

Q: What has been your greatest accomplish­ment in hockey?

Hunt: Last year, making it to provincial­s and coming in third. We were middle of the pack toward top of the pack throughout the year but we did beat the 1st place team once, and we did pretty well. I’d say that’s a pretty good accomplish­ment.

Q: Over the last year, you’ve found a passion for powerlifti­ng. What is it about powerlifti­ng that has drawn you in?

Hunt: I find it different from other sports because I’m able to work towards something unlike let’s say hockey, if you're not looking at hockey as a job or a lifestyle. You can do powerlifti­ng and still work towards being better. It's good for you, good for your lifestyle.

Q: Between hockey schedules and powerlifti­ng competitio­ns, how do you find managing your time/ responsibi­lities?

Hunt: I’ve never really had a hard time with managing and not having enough time, because if you really enjoy doing those sports you’ll find time for it and it won’t be as big of a problem. It won’t feel like a chore. School work and everything just fits in if you enjoy it and don’t procrastin­ate.

Q: Do you have any pregame rituals?

Hunt: Before hockey, I tape my stick, and I’m big into stretching so I do that for 20-30 minutes, just to get in the right mindset.

Q: You’ve competed in provincial­s and Easterns for powerlifti­ng… What's next for you?

Hunt: I have Centrals coming up soon in Ontario, and later on in September I have Nationals which I recently qualified for in P.E.I.

Q: Do you have any personal goals with powerlifti­ng?

Hunt: My best lift right now would be my deadlift. I can get 440 lbs and my goal for nationals will hopefully be over 500 lbs. And after that, a provincial record before I turn 18.

 ?? ?? Troy Hunt, 15, is involved in both hockey and powerlifti­ng. While he’s played hockey for as long as he can remember, he only started lifting in 2022.
Troy Hunt, 15, is involved in both hockey and powerlifti­ng. While he’s played hockey for as long as he can remember, he only started lifting in 2022.

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