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‘It could have been a lot worse’

Structure fire in Windsor Forks closes local business during height of shopping season


“There wasn’t a lot of fire, there was more smoulderin­g and smoke – a bit of water damage from the fire hoses,” he said. “I’m not sure how bad the damage is, it could have been a lot worse.”

Nobody was inside the building when the fire began, and nobody was injured.

That’s the good news, but Bond says he is worried about what this could mean for his business, which he began four years ago.

“It’s Christmas time and it’s one of those things you don’t like waking up to,” he said. “I’m sure it’ll be closed for a while. Planning to reopen in the near future.”

Bond said he was grateful for the quick response from the region’s fire department­s, which were on the scene within 15 minutes. Jason Cochrane, chief of the Brooklyn Fire Department, said the fire was relatively easy to knock down as it mostly burned itself out and was contained to one area of the structure.

RCMP were sent to the scene at the same time and arrived on scene first. They determined nobody was inside.

“There was very little fire source, it had pretty much burnt itself out, some smoulderin­g in the wall and it was at the end of the building,” he said. “We checked for any further extension for fire and did extinguish what was left.”

The source of the fire was electrical, Cochrane said.

Traffic did not have to be blocked during the response due to the size of the parking area.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? The cause of the fire was deemed to be electrical in nature.
CONTRIBUTE­D The cause of the fire was deemed to be electrical in nature.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Firefighte­rs from Brooklyn, Hantsport and Windsor recently responded to a structure fire at a business located at the intersecti­on of Sangster Bridge Road and Highway 14 in Windsor Forks.
CONTRIBUTE­D Firefighte­rs from Brooklyn, Hantsport and Windsor recently responded to a structure fire at a business located at the intersecti­on of Sangster Bridge Road and Highway 14 in Windsor Forks.

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