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Hubbards man facing seven charges relating to West Hants incidents


An alleged ten-month crime spree spanning Hants, Halifax and Lunenburg counties has resulted in nearly 50 charges laid after items worth more than $500,000 were reported stolen.

And of the break and enters alleged to have occurred, police say five happened in West Hants’ Bramber area.

Police have charged Nicholas John Mitchell, 39, of Hubbards, in connection with these alleged incidents.

Mitchell faces a total of 39 charges, with seven of these – break and enter, trespassin­g and breach of undertakin­g –relating to matters in West Hants.

He is scheduled to appear in provincial court in Windsor Dec. 11.

“Throughout the past eight months, RCMP investigat­ors were able to draw upon a number of resources and experts to bring this investigat­ion to a successful conclusion,” said Insp. Rob Bell, Operations East, Halifax District in a release.

Andrew Stewart Ritchie, 42, of Hatchet Lake and Darlene Marie MacAulay, 46, of Tantallon are also facing charges.

A total of 47 charges have been laid by police in relation to the alleged thefts of items including a vehicle, speedboat, trailer, tires and power tools.

According to the release, these charges were laid as a result of a joint investigat­ion involving members of Lunenburg County, Halifax, and Windsor Street Crime Enforcemen­t Units and the Windsor General Investigat­ion Section, a joint effort that began in November after investigat­ors found informatio­n that suggested the incidents were related.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? RCMP say this speedboat was among several other items stolen during a string a break and enters in Lunenburg, Halifax and Hants counties. Nicholas John Mitchell, 39, of Hubbards, faces several break and enter charges based on allegation­s stemming from West Hants.
CONTRIBUTE­D RCMP say this speedboat was among several other items stolen during a string a break and enters in Lunenburg, Halifax and Hants counties. Nicholas John Mitchell, 39, of Hubbards, faces several break and enter charges based on allegation­s stemming from West Hants.

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