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Kings and West Hants court report



John Stephen O’Donnell, 37, of Nictaux Falls, has been handed a conditiona­l discharge with probation for committing a sexual assault.

O’Donnell pleaded not guilty to the charge on July 21, 2021. A trial began on Oct. 20, 2022, and it continued Jan. 10, 2023. The court rendered a decision on Jan. 26, and O’Donnell was found guilty. The matter was adjourned to allow time for a pre-sentence report to be prepared and for sentencing.

On Aug. 8, Judge Christophe­r Manning handed O’Donnell a conditiona­l discharge with 30 months of probation. The court granted a primary DNA order.

O’Donnell committed the offence at Canadian Forces Base Greenwood on Aug. 10, 2019.


Cody Osbourne-Copage, 26, of Berwick, has been fined for having a blood alcohol concentrat­ion that was equal to or exceeded the legal limit within two hours of ceasing to operate a conveyance.

Osbourne-Copage pleaded guilty to the charge on Aug. 1. Judge Claudine MacDonald fined him $2,000 and imposed a one-year driving prohibitio­n against him.

Osbourne-Copage committed the offence in Somerset on May 21, 2022. The legal blood alcohol limit is 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood. Osbourne-Copage’s blood alcohol readings were not available.

A charge of operating a conveyance while his ability to do so was impaired to any degree by alcohol or a drug or both was withdrawn on Aug. 1.


April Rosemary Pierik, 33, of Kentville, has been sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to the included offence of assault.

Pierik was originally charged with carrying a weapon in committing an assault but pleaded guilty to the lesser, included offence of assault on May 1.

The matter was adjourned to Aug. 3 to allow time for a pre-sentence report to be prepared and for sentencing. Judge Paul Scovil sentenced Pierik to 12 months of probation.

Pierik committed the offence in New Minas on Feb. 26, 2022.


Wayne Roger Morris, 54, of South Farmington, has been sentenced to time deemed served for failing to comply with a condition of a release order.

Morris changed his plea to guilty on Aug. 3. Judge Paul Scovil sentenced Morris to one day in custody deemed served by his appearance in court.

Morris committed the offence in Kentville on Aug.

31, 2021. Charges of causing a disturbanc­e in or near a public place by screaming, shouting, swearing, or using obscene or insulting language; and carrying a weapon for a purpose dangerous to the public peace were dismissed on Aug. 3 with the Crown offering no evidence.


Gregory Tilley, 49, of Vaughan, has been sentenced to time deemed served for failing to comply with a condition of a probation order, to have no direct or indirect contact or communicat­ion with an individual.

Tilley was present in provincial court, in custody, on Aug. 8. Taking into considerat­ion 33 days Tilley spent remanded in custody, Judge Angela Caseley sentenced Tilley to one day in custody deemed served.

Tilley committed the offence in Windsor on June 22. A charge of repeatedly communicat­ing directly or indirectly with an individual was withdrawn on Aug. 8.

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