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Vacant home destroyed


A home that sat vacant for about a decade has been destroyed by fire.

Hantsport firefighte­rs were paged to a structure fire in the 100 block of Martin Road in Lockhartvi­lle around 10 a.m. Aug. 29.

“I was first on scene here. It was definitely a working fire, with heavy smoke coming from all four sides,” said Paul Maynard, a deputy fire chief with Hantsport.

“There was some fire in the bottom floor and within probably about a minute, it

storey extended into the second roof area and it was fully engulfed before our first units arrived on scene.”

About 40 firefighte­rs from Kings County and West Hants responded to the location, while others provided standby

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“We made a quick, aggressive attack and got it knocked down,” said Maynard, as fire crews were wrapping up operations around 1 p.m.

He said there was power connected to the building although no one was living there.

“The powerlines did drop when I first arrived on scene … but Nova Scotia Power quickly mitigated that (issue),” said Maynard.

Due to the fire occurring on a weekday, when volunteer resources are not as robust, Maynard said he appreciate­d the response from neighbouri­ng department­s.

“We draw heavily on our auto aid and mutual aid so we have some awesome partnershi­ps and they always come out to help us,” he said, commending fellow volunteers.

There were no injuries reported. Representa­tives with Emergency Health Services, Nova Scotia Power and the RCMP were on scene.

The fire marshal’s office was contacted and an investigat­ion was launched to try to determine the cause.

“There was nobody living in the home at the time. It’s been vacant for probably 10-plus years,” said Maynard, noting at this stage, it doesn’t appear the fire was suspicious.

After an investigat­ion, Maynard said they were unable to pinpoint the ignition source as there was “too much damage.”

He said the RCMP will keep a file on the property and should any new informatio­n arise, they will investigat­e.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Paul Maynard was the first firefighte­r to arrive on scene of a structure fire Aug. 29 and immediatel­y alerted dispatch of the situation unfolding on Martin Road in Lockhartvi­lle.
CONTRIBUTE­D Paul Maynard was the first firefighte­r to arrive on scene of a structure fire Aug. 29 and immediatel­y alerted dispatch of the situation unfolding on Martin Road in Lockhartvi­lle.

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