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Kings and West Hants court report



Elizabeth Hope Havill, 23, of no fixed address, has been sentenced to time deemed served after pleading guilty to six charges.

They include two counts of uttering a threat to cause bodily harm or death; assaulting a member of the Kentville Police Service engaged in the execution of his duty; stealing property from Ultramar of a value not exceeding $5,000; committing break, enter, and theft at the Scotia Business Centre; and failing to comply with a condition of a release order.

Havill pleaded guilty to five of the charges on July 18. The matters were adjourned to allow time for a pre-sentence report to be prepared and for sentencing. Havill pleaded guilty to the sixth charge prior to her sentencing on Aug. 30.

After being given a credit of 210 days for time spent remanded in custody, Judge Christophe­r Manning sentenced Havill to time deemed served on the six charges. Havill was also sentenced to 18 months of probation. The court granted a secondary DNA order and imposed a five-year discretion­ary firearms prohibitio­n against Havill.

Havill committed the offences in Halifax between March 7 and 9; and in Kentville on March 12 and 25, and on April 12 and 18.

Several other charges against Havill were withdrawn on Aug. 30. They include failing to comply with a condition of an undertakin­g; uttering a death threat via text message; three counts of mischief; and failing to comply with a condition of a release order.


Abraham Habash, 39, of no fixed address, has been sentenced to jail time after pleading guilty to five charges.

They include failing or refusing to comply with a demand made to him by a peace officer under Section 320.27 or 320.28 of the Criminal Code. These sections of the code relate to screening drivers for the presence of alcohol and drugs; willfully obstructin­g a member of the RCMP engaged in the execution of his duty investigat­ing a criminal offence by providing a false name; stealing prepaid credit cards from DeGraaf’s Kwik-way of a value not exceeding $5,000; and operating a conveyance while prohibited from doing so.

Habash was also originally charged with defrauding Park Street Ultramar of a sum of money not exceeding $5,000 but pleaded guilty to the lesser, included offence of theft under $5,000. Habash pleaded guilty to the charges on Sept. 5.

Judge Ronda Van Der

Hoek sentenced Habash to 30 days in custody for refusing to comply with a demand. He was given credit at timeand-a-half for six days spent remanded in custody, or nine days. The court imposed a

prohibitio­n three-year driving against Habash.

Habash was sentenced to 15 days, to be served consecutiv­ely, for stealing prepaid credit cards; 15 days, to be served consecutiv­ely, for operating a conveyance while prohibited; and 15 days, to be served concurrent­ly, for committing theft under $5,000. This leaves a total of 51 days for Habash to serve going forward.

Habash committed the offences in Lockhartvi­lle on Aug. 31, 2023; in Canning on Dec. 11, 2016; and in Kentville on Jan. 14, 2017. Charges of dangerous driving and failing to comply with a condition of a release order, not to occupy the driver’s seat of any conveyance, were withdrawn on Sept. 5.


Mark William Hackett, 61, of no fixed address, has been sentenced to time deemed served and probation for uttering a threat to cause bodily harm or death to an individual.

Hackett changed his plea to guilty on Aug. 30. Judge Angela Caseley sentenced Hackett to one day in custody deemed served and one year of probation.

Hackett committed the offence in Kentville on Sept.

15, 2022.


Scott Anthony Haynes, 51, of New Minas, has been sentenced to jail time for committing mischief by willfully damaging the property of the Kings Arms Pub to a value not exceeding $5,000; and for stealing the property of the Kings Arms Pub of a value exceeding $5,000.

Haynes changed his pleas to guilty on Sept. 5. Judge Ronda Van Der Hoek sentenced Haynes to 60 days in custody for committing mischief and 60 days in custody, to be served concurrent­ly, for stealing property of a value exceeding $5,000.

Haynes was granted credit at time-and-a-half for 27 days spent remanded in custody, or 41 days. This leaves 19 days for Haynes to serve going forward. Haynes was also sentenced to 12 months of probation on the two charges.

Haynes committed the offences in Kentville on

Aug. 10. Charges of failing to comply with a condition of a release order, and break, enter and theft were withdrawn on Sept. 5. A charge of unlawfully possessing benzodiaze­pine was withdrawn on Aug. 14.


Donald John Hill, 34, of Centrevill­e, has been handed a suspended sentence with probation for failing to comply with a condition of a release order.

Hill changed his plea to guilty on Aug. 31. Judge Angela Caseley handed Hill a suspended sentence with one year of probation.

Hill committed the offence in Kentville on April 11, 2022. Charges of failing to comply with a condition of an undertakin­g and operating a motor vehicle on a highway

dangerous in a manner that was to the public were dismissed on Aug. 31.

Nicholas Ryan French, 30, of Canning, has been sentenced to time deemed served for multiple offences and has been handed a conditiona­l sentence order with house arrest for others.

French pleaded guilty to six charges on July 17. The matters were adjourned to allow time for a pre-sentence report to be prepared and for sentencing. French pleaded guilty to 12 more charges prior to his sentencing hearing on

Aug. 31.

French was given credit at time-and-a-half for 122 days spent remanded in custody, or 183 days. Taking this into considerat­ion, Judge Christophe­r Manning sentenced French to time deemed served for assault; uttering a death threat; possession of stolen property of a value not exceeding $5,000; willfully obstructin­g a peace officer engaged in the execution of his duty; two counts of stealing property of a value not exceeding $5,000 from the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporatio­n; failing to comply with a condition of an undertakin­g; failing to comply with a condition of a recognizan­ce; willfully resisting a member of the Kentville Police Service engaged in the execution of his duty; and three counts of failing to comply with a condition of a release order.

Manning fined French $1,500 for having a blood alcohol concentrat­ion that was equal to or exceeded the legal limit within two hours of ceasing to operate a conveyance and imposed a one-year driving prohibitio­n against him. The legal blood alcohol limit is 80 mg of alcohol in

100 ml of blood. French’s blood alcohol readings were not available.

French was handed an 18month conditiona­l sentence order for using a firearm in a careless manner; carrying a weapon for a purpose dangerous to the public peace; possessing weapons knowing that he was not the holder of a licence under which he may possess them; possessing a restricted firearm with readily accessible ammunition while not being the holder of an authorizat­ion or licence under which he may possess the firearm; and possessing weapons while prohibited from doing so.

The conditiona­l sentence includes house arrest for the first 12 months, to be followed by daily curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. for the remaining time. The conditiona­l sentence will be followed by 18 months of probation.

French committed the offences in North Kentville on Aug. 29, 2022; in Port Williams on Dec. 17, 2022; and in Kentville on Jan. 30; Feb. 18 and 22; between June 4 and 6; between June 25 and 27; and on June 28, 2023.

Several other charges were withdrawn on Aug. 31. They include operating a conveyance while his ability to do so was impaired to any degree by alcohol or a drug or both; possessing a restricted firearm for which he did not have a registrati­on certificat­e issued to him; possessing a restricted weapon, a pipe bomb, for which he did not have a registrati­on certificat­e issued to him; possessing a weapon knowing that he was not the holder of a licence under which he may possess it; being the occupant of a motor vehicle while knowing that there was a firearm in the vehicle at the time; possessing a firearm while prohibited from doing so; three more counts of failing to comply with a condition of a release order; and another count of failing to comply with a condition of a recognizan­ce.

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