Vancouver Magazine

The Dish


Our favourite seasonal drink is a bit of a fire hazard.

is amixologis­t these days. But to separate the real pros from those who blather on about “Pappy,” we suggest the addition of one thing: re. No one has ever said that the Blue Blazer is atransform­ative cocktail—it’s just Scotch, water, sugar and lemon—but the process, well, there’s the thing. The process involves setting high-proof whisky (Abelour’s A’bunadh is readily available) alight and slowly (or not so slowly) pouring it several times between two tankards (steel mugs that are both seldom used and the sign of a great bar). And trying not to set your hands on re. It’s not adrink that appears on many menus—it’s time-consuming and probably aliability issue—but my guess is that if you sidle up to, say, a pro like Justin Taylor at the Cascade Room and make a polite request, the results will be... illuminati­ng.

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