Vancouver Sun

Alexander Graham Bell letter sells for $ 90,000 at auction


A handwritte­n, 134- year- old letter in which telephone pioneer Alexander Graham Bell sketches a “one- of- a- kind” picture of his invention has sold for more than $ 90,000 at a U. S. auction. The 1878 letter to Bell’s father, Melville, including a crude diagram of two telephones wired together, was Bell’s response to an apparent “lightning accident” at his family home in Brantford, Ont., which left the inventor concerned about the potential danger of electrocut­ion from talking on the device during a thundersto­rm. The letter, which came into the possession of one of Bell’s employees in the early 20th century, was purchased for $ 92,856 U. S. by “a prominent document collector in Texas,” New Hampshire- based RR Auction said.

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