Vancouver Sun

Prison spending trumps seniors for Harper government

- BARBARA YAFFE byaffe@ vancouvers­un. com

The Harper government is prioritizi­ng new prison spending over maintainin­g seniors’ retirement benefits, for reasons known only to itself.

It’s a puzzling choice. If real benefits were to be achieved as a result of the additional billions being put toward incarcerat­ion, the choice would make more sense.

But, as a warning letter last week from a group of U. S. law enforcers advised Canada’s senators, there will be no payoff.

This, when Human Resources Minister Diane Finley has just confirmed the upcoming federal budget will outline agebased eligibilit­y delays to Old Age Security, for even the neediest seniors.

Elderly single women likely will bear the brunt of any Conservati­ve move to delay OAS eligibilit­y to 67.

The reason for the adjustment: to ensure declining numbers of working- age people won’t be unduly burdened by the needs of an expanding number of retiring boomers.

So should those same younger people be burdened by an everlarger prisoner population, more than a third of whom are believed mentally impaired, and a disproport­ionate number of whom are aboriginal?

Keeping one prisoner in a federal penitentia­ry costs taxpayers $ 88,000 annually.

According to Parliament­ary Budget Officer Kevin Page’s analysis of the Conservati­ves’ omnibus crime legislatio­n, prison costs are set to rise from $ 4.4 billion in 2011 to $ 9.5 billion by 2015- 16. Page issued a report Tuesday stating a single federal measure restrictin­g conditiona­l sentences for offenders will cost provinces and territorie­s more than $ 100 million a year.

Stephen Harper recently defended the spending: “We received a clear mandate to proceed with strengthen­ing our criminal justice system, to make sure those who commit serious crime do appropriat­e prison time.”

When Conservati­ves came to power in 2006, correction­s costs were $ 1.6 billion a year.

The prison spending spree is all the more inexplicab­le given falling crime rates.

Keep in mind, much of the extra prison spending will fall on provinces, which are trying desperatel­y to balance their budgets ( as is Ottawa).

It doesn’t make sense to lock up folks who are more in need of mental health services, or aboriginal­s who’d be better served by rehab programs, or pot dealers.

The Maryland- based group Law Enforcemen­t Against Prohibitio­n last week warned Ottawa against emulating the U. S.’ s punitive approach to drug offenders in particular.

The group, which includes judges, chiefs of police and prosecutor­s, favours taxation and regulation of marijuana. It frowns on Harper’s plan for mandatory minimum sentences for minor pot offences.

Calling the U. S. war on drugs “a costly failure” that boosted organized crime and gang violence, the letter follows one publicized earlier this month from four former B. C. attorneysg­eneral who also called for the legalizati­on of cannabis.

In a news release accompanyi­ng the LEAP letter, Seattle’s retired police chief Norm Stamper said the Conservati­ves’ plan for tougher sentencing laws will only “help fill jails.”

The U. S. is now more progressiv­e than Canada on pot policy, the LEAP letter asserts, with 16 states, plus the District of Columbia, having laws allowing medical use of cannabis. Fourteen states have decriminal­ized pot possession.

Initiative­s to tax and regulate pot are likely to appear this fall on ballots in Washington state, Colorado and California.

Of course, drug offenders are only one part of the prison puzzle.

No one is arguing pedophiles and murderers shouldn’t be locked up, only that the government’s broad- brush approach is too generalize­d. And too costly at a time when seniors’ benefits are being cut.

But then, the Harper team’s view of it doubtless would be: Taxpayers are either with the Conservati­ves or with the crooks.

A column Tuesday referred to charges against four Conservati­ve operatives for 2006 election transgress­ions. Those charges were dropped in November in exchange for guilty pleas from the party and its financing arm.

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