Vancouver Sun

Exile media rev up

Offshore news sites capitalize on political scandals to increase audience


For media run by Chinese exiles, the recent political turmoil at the top levels of the Communist leadership in China has been a boon — for circulatio­n and for some sweet revenge.

BEIJING — “Beijing power struggle heralds end of China Communist party,” screams one headline.

More sensationa­l headlines purport to reveal how the wife of recently sacked Politburo member Bo Xilai poisoned an Englishman, who may have been her lover.

And if that weren’t enough, other stories claim that “Bo planned airline crash” and “slept with more than 100 women.”

It’s payback time for Chinese exiles, especially those with a printing press, television station or just a computer at their disposal. From the newspaper and television network run by the banned Falun Gong to independen­t Chinese- language news sites outside China, opposition media are having a field day covering sensitive topics that would be zapped by censors in China.

China is in the midst of a once- in- adecade leadership transition, which has precipitat­ed a political schism and a cascade of salacious scandals. But hardly a word of it appears in the mainland news media, forcing political junkies to look offshore for their fix, either watching with satellite dishes or surfing the Internet with virtual private networks to get around the government firewall.

News sites gain credibilit­y

The exile news sites, often stridently anti- communist, once had all the credibilit­y of supermarke­t tabloids trumpeting tales of UFOS. But like some non- mainstream media in the United States — the National Enquirer broke the story of John Edwards’ affair, and the TMZ celebrity news site was first with reports of Michael Jackson’s death — these operations have had their genuine scoops.

“We used to read these sites mainly for fun. Nobody took them seriously. But now some of these astonishin­g things have turned out to be true,” said Jin Zhong, editor of the respected Hong Kong- based Open Magazine.

While the Chinese media were silent, the offshore sites were reporting in early February that Wang Lijun, a top police official who was Bo’s henchman in the city of Chongqing, had been removed from his post and was under investigat­ion. That proved to be the first domino in the unfolding scandal: Shortly afterward, Wang took refuge in the nearby U. S. consulate, claiming that Bo was plotting to kill him.

The biggest scoop came when Boxun, a website operated from North Carolina by an electrical engineer turned journalist, broke the story five days before the Wall Street Journal that Bo’s wife, Gu Kailai, was under investigat­ion in the death of Neil Heywood, the British expatriate whose demise late last year had been attributed to a heart attack brought on by excess alcohol consumptio­n. Gu has since been detained. The news media in Taiwan and Hong Kong also cover mainland politics closely, but not as voraciousl­y as they once did. “They are not as anti- communist as they used to be,” Jin said.

Among the biggest beneficiar­ies of the scandal are the print and broadcast operations run out of New York by Falun Gong, a spiritual movement banned by the Chinese government, which deems it a cult. It runs the

CNN made its name in the Gulf War. Al Jazeera in the Arab Spring. The political changes in China this year will make us a top media player.



newspaper Epoch Times, which carries a daily litany of unflatteri­ng stories about the Chinese government in 19 languages, as well as tales of persecutio­n of Falun Gong members.

Talk shows on the group’s New Tang Dynasty Television explore the recent escape of blind dissident Chen Guangcheng and a rumour that Premier Wen Jiabao might resign during the turmoil.

Falun Gong a prominent voice

“CNN made its name in the Gulf War. Al Jazeera in the Arab Spring. The political changes in China this year will make us a top media player,” Samuel Zhou, a vice- president of New Tang Dynasty, said this month in a conference room at the network’s New York headquarte­rs. Viewership has increased at least five- fold in recent months, with at least 500,000 watching on the mainland, Zhou said.

Revenge is particular­ly sweet in the current political shakeup because Bo was a key figure in the persecutio­n of Falun Gong members in China. The Falun Gong’s key nemesis, public security chief Zhou Yongkang, is also believed to be in political jeopardy as a result of his support for Bo. And almost every day an Epoch Times headline gloats about his decline. “Power taken from Chinese security czar Zhou Yongkang,” read a recent one.

More objective, though not always more accurate, is Boxun. Founder Watson Meng was a tech- savvy Chinese student in the U. S. in the early 1990s when he started compiling articles about China published abroad for his friends back home to read. In 2000, he turned his hobby into a proper business, establishi­ng Boxun in Durham, N. C., where he had settled after attending Duke University’s business school.

“I don’t ally myself with any party or religion. Boxun carries voices from all groups,” the 47- year- old Meng said by telephone.

Although he doesn’t consider himself a dissident, Meng’s Boxun was the main site last year carrying anonymous calls for a “Jasmine Revolution” in China in sympathy with the “Arab Spring” revolts. The site has often been hit by cyber attacks originatin­g in China, and Chinese contributo­rs have received prison terms for posting articles on the site.

Boxun often re- posts articles that have appeared on Chinese microblog sites such as Sina Weibo, and takes anonymous contributi­ons without verifying the content. Many of its “exclusives” are questionab­le, such as the accusation that Bo plotted a 2002 plane crash and reports in March that Zhou and Bo had attempted a coup.

Meng acknowledg­es that the site doesn’t live up to profession­al journalist­ic standards: “Boxun has many things it needs to improve. We’d like to become more profession­al.”

Another site, Mingjing News, based in New York, is run by a profession­al journalist, Ho Pin, who worked for a Chinese government- run paper and left in disgust after the Tiananmen Square crackdown of 1989. He is neverthele­ss considered somewhat closer to the Chinese government; another news site he’d started earlier, Duowei, was sold to pro- Chinese government investors.

Officials suspected of leaks

“We do not simply expose and criticize the Communist party, but we try to provide points of views and opinions different from the official or mainstream media,” Ho said in an email.

The exile news sites have got so many scoops this year that some suspect that high- ranking officials in Beijing are leaking tidbits to smear Bo and his allies.

Even more staid journalist­s inside China acknowledg­e that the exile media are now essential reading, if often taken with a grain of salt.

Wu Si, the editor of a prominent Beijing magazine, Yanhuang Chunqiu, said his staff compiles a summary for each morning’s news meeting of what is on the outside news sites.

“We judge it by whether it fits the patterns of the Communist party,” Wu said, “and whether it is plausible.”

Since the investigat­ion of the Englishman’s death became public, Boxun, in particular, has become a darling of the British tabloids, which have re- reported the scandals with the same gusto as they reveal the foibles of the Royal Family.

“Killed by cyanide over China love affair,” announced the Daily Mirror, attributin­g its story on the Heywood case to “respected Mandarin- language websites.”

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 ?? CAROLYN COLE/ LOS ANGELES TIMES ?? Commentato­r Tang Baiqiao appears on New Tang Dynasty Television, as technician Meichu Chen works the control panel in the network’s New York newsroom. Viewership has grown by at least five- fold in recent months.
CAROLYN COLE/ LOS ANGELES TIMES Commentato­r Tang Baiqiao appears on New Tang Dynasty Television, as technician Meichu Chen works the control panel in the network’s New York newsroom. Viewership has grown by at least five- fold in recent months.

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