Vancouver Sun

A real ice cream headache

For those with tooth sensitivit­y, summertime treats are a painful indulgence

- BY RACHEL NAUD Postmedia News

Going out for ice cream on a hot summer evening is a favourite seasonal treat most Canadians enjoy.

But for Kay Wetherill, it was an activity she couldn’t partake in for years.

Because of her tooth- sensitivit­y, the St. Francois Xavier, Man., resident could only sit and watch her friends and family devour the chilly sweet.

“Eating ice cream felt like someone was poking me with a needle,” says the 36- year- old retail clerk for Safeway. “Whenever I had something cold, I felt a sharp, jabbing pain.”

Wetherill says she originally started to feel the sensitivit­y in her teeth after getting her wisdom teeth pulled. Then years later, after the birth of her son, the pain rose to a whole new level.

What was once just sensitivit­y toward her back molars had expanded to her front teeth, as well as down both sides of her mouth. It was at her post- natal dental visit that the dentist told her she was experienci­ng high tooth sensitivit­y.

Tooth sensitivit­y affects at least 30 per cent of Canadians, says Dr. Barry Dolman, president of the Ordre des Dentistes du Quebec in Montreal, who suspects the actual number is closer to to 70 per cent.

“People are reluctant to complain to their dentist or don’t want to say anything,” says Dolman.

There are a number of factors that can cause tooth sensitivit­y. On a temporary basis, gum surgery, scaling or the polishing, whitening or bleaching of teeth can make them sensitive.

More permanent tooth sensitivit­y can occur when the root of a tooth becomes exposed. Roots do not have a layer of enamel like the crowns of your teeth; instead, the roots have a very soft covering called cementum, which, once lost leaves the dentine of the root exposed.

Overzealou­s brushing or using a very abrasive toothpaste can also cause abrasion of the tooth’s enamel surface and expose dentine.

Dentine, which reacts to hot and cold temperatur­e changes, contains thousands of tiny channels that are only visible with a microscope. These channels run from the surface, through the dentine to the nerve centre of the tooth — the pulp. The channels contain fluid and after eating or drinking hot or cold foods, the fluid in these tiny channels moves and irritates the nerves in the tooth, causing pain.

Diet can also be a contributi­ng factor to tooth sensitivit­y. People who eat highly acidic food ( citrus fruits, tomatoes) and drinks ( pop, sports drinks) on a regular basis can also wear down the enamel of their teeth.

Tooth sensitivit­y is most commonly seen in people ages 35 and older. It affects more women than men, most likely due to hormonal fluctuatio­ns, and is highest in people with periodonta­l disease.

“It can really affect someone’s quality of life,” says Dolman. “Some people can’t have anything cold. Some people accommodat­e their lifestyle and eat and drink everything lukewarm. It’s not a fun way to carry on one’s life.” But there is good news. Tooth sensitivit­y can be as easily treated in many cases as heading to the drugstore for a toothpaste that specialize­s in tooth sensitivit­y.

That’s what fixed Wetherill’s tooth sensitivit­y. She says since brushing with the special toothpaste every day, twice a day, her sensitivit­y completely disappeare­d within a couple of weeks.

However, for more severe cases, consulting a dentist or dental hygienist is a must, says Sandy Lawlor, a registered dental hygienist in Hamilton, Ont.

“That way you can make sure there’s no tooth decay,” says Lawlor.

If the sensitivit­y is caused by root recession, Lawlor says a dentist may choose to bond and fill the area to cover it, stopping the transfer of any sensitivit­y.

“One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to treatment. The dentist will assess the situation and provide an individual treatment plan or suggestion­s.”

To prevent tooth sensitivit­y, regular brushing, flossing and regular dental checkups are a must. Dolman also advises people to brush before and not after they eat.

“The PH balance in your mouth is more acidic after you eat,” says Dolman. “If you have food particles and acidic salvia and then add a toothpaste that has an abrasive agent, that toothpaste essentiall­y acts like an oven cleaner. It’ll remove layers of tooth.”

Lawlor also adds to be gentle when you do brush, making sure to use a soft toothbrush.

“People scrub hard thinking they’re getting their teeth good and clean, but in fact you don’t need excessive pressure to get teeth clean,” she says “Be gentle when brushing your teeth. You’re not washing a floor.”

 ?? JOHN WOODS/ POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? Kay Wetherill experience­d tooth sensitivit­y for years, which prohibited her from enjoying ice cream and cold drinks. Thanks to the use of a special toothpaste for those with sensitive teeth, she can now enjoy cold sweets with her friends and family.
JOHN WOODS/ POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES Kay Wetherill experience­d tooth sensitivit­y for years, which prohibited her from enjoying ice cream and cold drinks. Thanks to the use of a special toothpaste for those with sensitive teeth, she can now enjoy cold sweets with her friends and family.

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