Vancouver Sun


Science- fiction franchise losing its lustre.


MEN IN BLACK III Starring: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin Directed by: Barry Sonnenfeld PG: sci- fi action violence and brief suggestive content Running time: 105 minutes


When Men in Black was released in 1997, it had an ingenious charm in its notion of a group of anonymous special agents who kept track of the intergalac­tic aliens among us — and we all know some — and the matter- of- fact tensions between energetic Agent J ( Will Smith) and his cantankero­us partner Agent K ( Tommy Lee Jones).

By the 2002 sequel, the charm had faded, not to mention the novelty. Now, a decade later ( and a nickel short) comes Men

in Black III, in which Agents J and K go back in time to save the world. What they can’t do, unfortunat­ely, is go back and save the franchise.

Men in Black III is a tired

retread, even though the original material has a few miles left on it. It benefits mostly from the performanc­e of Josh Brolin as the Young Agent K, an impersonat­ion that captures Jones in his essence: the voice, the mannerisms and the seeds of the crankiness to come.

Tommy Lee Jones himself — one of the premier irritable personalit­ies of the screen — appears only briefly in what amounts to an extended cameo. For the record, he is aging into a morose leatherine­ss; he looks like the world’s unhappiest catcher’s mitt.

The film starts with the escape from a lunar prison of Boris the Animal (“It’s just Boris,” he tells everyone who uses the extended name), an alien criminal with claws that pop alarmingly from everywhere on his body and a pair of goggle eyes. He’s not the most inventive character in the Men in Black series, but, as played by Jemaine Clement ( The Flight of the Conchords), he’s one of the snarliest.

Boris has been in jail after being captured 40 years ago. In order to escape this fate, he finds a time machine, returns to 1969 and kills the young Agent K, who arrested him. It’s up to Agent J to follow them back in time and straighten out history.

The trip begins with a comically vertiginou­s jump off the Chrysler Building — the effects in Men in Black III have a loopy appeal — and a crash landing into an America of hippies, men in fedoras and convertibl­e Cadillacs the size of land yachts. However, the movie doesn’t do very much with the possibilit­ies of culture clash beyond one memorable scene where Agents J and K visit The Factory where Andy Warhol ( Bill Hader) is host of a happening that looks very much like an alien housewarmi­ng.

It’s a sly joke in a film that doesn’t know what to do with its notions of fractured time. Shooting started before the script was completed, and what’s on screen has the feeling of something rigged up as a kind of platform for the special effects: the fish- themed aliens in a Chinese restaurant, the man with a bowling- ball- sized head who runs into some trouble in a bowling alley, as well he might. These have become the signature pieces of the Men in Black series, but their appeal has become nostalgic: We like them mostly because they remind us of the clever surprises of the earlier films.

Director Barry Sonnenfeld, who has made all three movies, keeps things light and bubbly — well, as light and bubbly as things can get in a Tommy Lee Jones film — but Men in Black III seems to lose steam as it huffs and puffs to its silly conclusion. There’s a sentimenta­l twist at the end that doesn’t bear thinking about because, in retrospect, it kind of adulterate­s the first one.

In a movie about time travel, it’s worth noting that Smith doesn’t seem to have aged a day, and the new boss of the division is played by Emma Thompson, who is beginning to look like Julie Andrews, although this could be another special effect. There’s also a lovely turn by Michael Stuhlbarg ( A Serious Man) as an alien named Griffin who sees all futures unfolding at once. Possibly there’s a better one out there.

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 ??  ?? Tommy Lee Jones ( left) and Will Smith reprise their roles as special agents on a mission to save the world in Men in Black III, released 10 years after the second MIB movie.
Tommy Lee Jones ( left) and Will Smith reprise their roles as special agents on a mission to save the world in Men in Black III, released 10 years after the second MIB movie.

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