Vancouver Sun

Garage sales

Careful planning, good organizati­on and a stylish display are all key to making it work


Ten tips on how to pass on those items you no longer need — and make a little money in the process.

It’s garage sale season. It’s the time of year we start looking around our houses at all the “stuff” we don’t need and don’t use. Think of the two- year rule: if you haven’t worn it or used it since 2010, it’s time to say goodbye. Instead of pretending it will disappear on its own, why not take control of your clutter and turn a profit at the same time? Having a garage sale is the best way to do a major spring cleaning — and put some cash in your pocket at the same time. Here’s how to get the most out of getting rid of the stuff.

Rally the troops

If you’re going to all that trouble, why not make a party out of it? Call your friends and family, or round up some neighbours, because when it comes to garage sales, the bigger the better. You can pool everything and sell on the lawn of one house, or convince others on the block to set up shop in their own yards. The bigger the sale, the more people you’ll attract, sort of like a popup department store on the boulevard.

Room by room

Not only are you collecting items for your sale, you’re also cleaning your space one room at a time. If you do it properly, this process will take a bit of time. You’ll want to go through every drawer and open every cupboard. Ask yourself: when was the last time I used this? Do I really need it? If I decide to part with it, is my life going to be altered? If not, then consider it gone. Then designate a space in the house where you can stash your goods while preparing for the sale. Bear in mind, this stuff may sit for a while, so put it somewhere where it won’t annoy you.

Come rain or come shine

We live in a mild coastal climate, so hope for sun, but be prepared for rain. And don’t worry about the weather; garage sale diehards will show up regardless. If it rains, have a pop- up tent ( and an umbrella or two) on standby.

Setting up shop

Be prepared to start early, really early. Hard- core garage sale aficionado­s tend to be on the move early, so if you’ve advertised a 9 a. m. start, then you should count on your first customer shortly after 8 a. m. You need to do a little merchandis­ing. Approach it as though you’re setting up retail pop- up store and put items in their proper “department­s”. Sporting goods in one spot, housewares in another, and so on. If you’ve got kids, then chances are you’ve accumulate­d enough toys to stock a Toys ‘ R’ Us. All toys should go together; break them down further by type. Place large toys in one spot, wooden toys in another, stuffed animals on their own, and so on. It’s always a great idea to have a “free” or five- cent bin where you toss all the plastic bits — the one- armed Barbie dolls and headless Transforme­rs — that have no home and would otherwise end up in the recycling bin. This keeps the little ones happy, along with their parents. Books are always a big hit, but categorize them, too, from board books to soft covers. Do the same with clothes, but hang up the more salable items like snowsuits and coats on a clothing rack. If you feel like sizing the items, then go for it. Otherwise, by compartmen­talizing the items, you make it much easier for folks to sift through them. Plus, they’re more likely to take multiples this way. Place your stuff strategica­lly, and put eye- catching items — like antique furniture — up front so people are drawn to your sale when they drive by. Keep your area as neat as possible. After a major rush, swirl through and tidy up to before your next customers arrive.

Consider a canteen

If time permits, and you’ve got the staff, consider setting up a little concession. Offer bottled beverages, muffins and cookies for a dollar; you’ll be surprised how many takers you have and how much extra dough you make.

Marketing 101

The key ingredient for a successful sale of any kind is in the marketing. From traditiona­l signage on strategica­lly located telephone poles and community notice boards to placing a newspaper ad or posting on craigslist, there are many options to choose from when it comes to spreading the word. Choose your words carefully when advertisin­g, and remember what the big draws are ( toys, children’s clothes, antiques). If you’ve made it a neighbourh­ood affair, then check in with all participan­ts to see what other means of advertisin­g they have in mind. And don’t forget about the balloons, they’re an effective and inexpensiv­e way to grab the attention of passing vehicles.

Pricing strategy

To price or not to price? That is the question. It’s really a personal decision, but chances are you’ll do better if you opt for a mix of the two. Consider pricing groups of items, like housewares for $ 1 each. When it comes to kids’ clothes, create a sign that lists all pants for $ 4, or four pairs for $ 10. If you’re comfortabl­e with a little haggling, then the nonpricing strategy means your customers are more likely to engage rather than be turned off at an item they feel you’ve priced too high. Be prepared to think on your feet, throw out a price and see what they come back with. And remember, a little bit of money is better than no money at all.

Supplies list

Have plenty of plastic bags on hand for those shoppers who don’t bring their own reusable totes. Other supplies you’ll need: tape, pens, poster board, stickable tags, elastic bands, newspaper to wrap fragile items, and a bottomless cup of coffee to keep you on the go. And if you have a lot to sell, best to conscript some help behind the tables, preferably someone who has a big personalit­y and can keep the merchandis­e moving. And don’t forget a small float — about $ 75 in small bills, toonies, loonies and quarters — and a hip pack or apron to stash all the loot you’ll make.

Say no to leftovers

You’ve taken the time to haul this stuff outside, so don’t take it back inside if it doesn’t sell. Putting it in the sale means you were willing to part with it in the first place. If you call your local thrift store in advance, someone will check in with you towards the end of the day and take your unsold goods. Alternativ­ely, you could take it to your local Salvation Army. Some garage sale veterans swear by leaving their unsold goods on the curb, where they magically disappear overnight.

That’s a wrap

So you’ve been out on the curb since 7 a. m., setting up shop and hawking your wares. By 2 p. m., you’re pretty much done and, if you’ve had a good day, your pockets will be full of bills and your yard will be clear of all that clutter. Time to celebrate: Retire to the barbecue, and enjoy a cold one. You’ve earned it.

lfralic@ sunprovinc­e. com

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 ??  ?? Creative displays of items are sure to catch the eye of garage- sale shoppers.
Creative displays of items are sure to catch the eye of garage- sale shoppers.
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