Vancouver Sun

The case for strong environmen­tal assessment

- CALVIN SANDBORN Calvin Sandborn is legal director of the University of Victoria Environmen­tal Law Clinic.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. — Winston Churchill

Canadians should worry about Bill C- 38 — Ottawa’s bid to gut the Environmen­tal Assessment Act. Let’s not forget that there is a compelling reason for environmen­tal assessment­s of industrial projects. In the days before environmen­tal assessment laws, much unnecessar­y damage was done to the environmen­t, to people, to the economy, and to taxpayers. For example:

• Mines destroyed fisheries in many Canadian rivers, including B. C.’ s Tsolum River.

• Pulp mill pollution closed shellfish harvesting along hundreds of kilometres of B. C. coastline.

• An Ontario industrial plant poisoned the Grassy Narrows and Whitedog first nations with mercury — a legacy that ravaged their nervous systems for decades.

• In Canada’s north, the Faro and Giant mines poisoned the environmen­t — and cost taxpayers over $ 800 million to clean up.

• A number of Canadian lead smelters contaminat­ed local children, likely affecting brain function.

• The steel plant in Sydney, N. S., transforme­d an estuary into a hazardous waste site. The cleanup cost taxpayers $ 400 million.

• At one time Lake Erie was declared virtually dead — and its U. S. tributary, the Cuyahoga River, caught fire.

When rivers began catching fire, even conservati­ves such as Richard Nixon were convinced. President Nixon signed a law requiring environmen­tal assessment­s in 1969. Canada followed suit in 1992. The vast majority of developed countries now require environmen­tal assessment­s of industrial projects.

Assessment­s are almost universall­y required because they are necessary to ensure that industry:

• Avoids — or reduces — environmen­tal harm, where possible;

• Uses resources efficientl­y and maintains the environmen­t for other businesses ( e. g., tourism, fisheries);

• Pays for the harm it does, instead of sticking taxpayers with the tab.

The current federal environmen­tal assessment regime has largely worked. While it approves the vast majority of projects, it often improves them and reduces environmen­tal impacts. And, very occasional­ly, it rejects particular­ly harmful projects. For example, it nixed Taseko Mine’s proposal to drain B. C.’ s Fish Lake, a premier fishing lake home to 85,000 rainbow trout.

However, Ottawa seems to have forgotten why it is smart to assess project impacts ahead of time — why we should look before we leap. Instead, government ministers vigorously decry assessment “red tape.”

This government rhetoric against “red tape” is eerily familiar. It echoes the rhetoric of U. S. Republican­s who acted to weaken environmen­tal assessment in that country. Canadians should take note. This U. S. approach did not turn out well.

Consider the catastroph­ic 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Because the U. S. law had been weakened, British Petroleum was no longer required to do a “worst case analysis” of deepwater drilling. And the weakened U. S. law exempted BP from having to carry out an environmen­tal impact analysis of its drilling. Yet this missing environmen­tal assessment could have prevented the catastroph­e.

Of course, after the BP spill, the U. S. government acknowledg­ed the problem and toughened up their assessment requiremen­ts again. But that was too late — 11 workers were already dead, and five million barrels of oil had surged into the gulf.

Clearly, loosening environmen­tal rules can impose a heavy cost. And Bill C- 38 dramatical­ly loosens the rules. The bill would:

• Reduce the number and scope of assessment­s required;

• Narrow the kinds of environmen­tal effects to be assessed;

• Disenfranc­hise lay people without a “direct interest” from participat­ing in assessment­s — silencing Vancouveri­tes’ submission­s about remote projects like Northern Gateway;

• Authorize Ottawa to abdicate, and leave many assessment­s to the provinces. This is worrisome. The B. C. Assessment office approved the idea of draining Fish Lake — and virtually never recommends that a project be rejected.

This is no way to protect the national interest. Canadians — like the people of the Gulf Coast — may rue the day.

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