Vancouver Sun

More data needed to assess effect of cycling helmet law


Re: Helmet head or heart attacks?, Column, May 28

Thank you Craig McInnes and Peter Ladner for the very useful informatio­n on the inefficacy of the provincial mandatory cycling helmet law. Also, thanks to Mary Sherlock for her letter to the editor on this subject.

Perry Kendall, B. C.’ s chief medical health officer, states, “In the Netherland­s ... research shows a higher rate of head injuries than we have here.” I would like to see his research since my informatio­n is that the injury rate of cyclists is one third that of B. C.

He also claims three quarters of head and brain injuries among cyclists in the Netherland­s are caused by crashes that don’t involve cars.

In the Netherland­s, they design cycling infrastruc­ture to separate cyclist traffic from car traffic as much as possible, so this statistic is not remarkable, but it also does not apply to B. C.

What is sadly lacking is a proper B. C.- based study on the efficacy of the helmet law. If such a study were done, I predict it would show the mandatory helmet law is detrimenta­l to society. ARNO SCHORTINGH­UIS Vancouver

Re: Bicycle helmets are a good idea when voluntary, Letters, June 1.

Some years ago as I cycled to work I manoeuvred through the stile at the entrance to a multi- use trail. My handlebar hooked on the stile and I was thrown head first into a hedge.

My bicycle helmet crunched into a tree stump hidden in the hedge. I was shaken up but had avoided a concussion or worse. So I urge letter writer Mary Sherlock and all other cyclists to wear a helmet at all times. DEREK WILSON Port Moody

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