Vancouver Sun

Pro- Euro parties win slim majority in Greek vote

New Democracy party has support to form government


ATHENS — Greece’s pro-European New Democracy party finished first in parliament­ary elections Sunday, making a strong enough showing to form a coalition government and to reassure European partners that Greece will continue repaying its debts.

Ending six weeks of uncertaint­y in which no party was able to form a government after an earlier election — and with an upstart leftist party calling for a halt in debt repayment — New Democracy won 29.08 per cent of the vote, assuring it 129 seats in the 300- seat parliament, according to provisiona­l results with 92.5 per cent of the ballots counted. Together with the severely weakened Socialist PASOK party — and possibly the small Democratic Left — as partners in a governing coalition, the centre- right New Democracy leader, Antonio Samaras, should be able to form a majority, although its stability and longevity remain to be seen.

Samaras, a former Greek foreign minister, reaffirmed his country’s commitment to repay the $ 303- billion bailout package.

“Greeks have voted to remain in the eurozone,” Samaras said late Sunday in a televised address. “There will be no doubt about the position of Greece in Europe. There will be no further adventures. This is an important moment for Greece and the rest of Europe … Greece will honour its obligation­s.”

Greek willingnes­s to uphold the terms of the bailout — as the leaders of Germany and other creditor nations have demanded — has emerged as a key factor in its ability to remain in the euro currency zone.

European government­s and major markets may breathe a sigh of relief, but it could be temporary, for the turmoil in Greece is far from over. The country has suffered 13 consecutiv­e quarters of recession under the austerity program, with the economy shrinking by 15.9 per cent. The unemployme­nt rate is 22.6 per cent — a staggering 52.7 per cent for Greeks 24 and younger.

Minutes after Samaras proclaimed victory, calling for an “end to petty politics” and proposing leading an all- parties government of national salvation, his principal rival, Alexis Tsipras, issued a frontal rebuff. Calling the victors “an alliance of the forces of the past,” Tsipras pledged that his leftist Syriza party would continue to reject the European- imposed austerity program and function as a “vibrant opposition.”

Eurozone finance ministers also issued a low- key welcome to the outcome and promised

There will be no doubt about the position of Greece in Europe. There will be no further adventures. This is an important moment for Greece and the rest of Europe. ANTONIO SAMARAS NEW DEMOCRACY LEADER

to assist Greece in carrying out the austerity program “in order to address the many challenges the economy is facing.” That ambiguous wording appeared to leave open the possibilit­y for changes in the debt repayment schedule and — as France and some other European nations have argued — for an injection of funds to spur growth.

German finance minister Wolfgang Schaueble, whose frequent scoldings of the Greeks during the election campaign are thought to have boosted Syriza’s popular support, said he took the election results as “a vote in favour of reforms,” a reference to the austerity program.

Tsipras’s public appearance before supporters appeared to be more a celebratio­n of victory than a concession of defeat. His party won 26.79 per cent of the vote, or 71 seats, a meteoric rise from the parliament­ary elections in 2009, in which Syriza won only 4.6 per cent and 13 seats. It was also a considerab­le boost from the 16.8 per cent, or 52 seats, it won in elections on May 6, after which the winning parties were unable to form a governing coalition, leading to Sunday’s rerun.

“Anything we can demand with the strength the people gave us and from the strong presence of Syriza, we are not going to waste by offering support to those who are pro-[ austerity],” Tsipras declared. “Twice in one month, our people denounced austerity and forced all parties to admit that the economic project of austerity has been rejected, and its further implementa­tion is impossible.” He said the new government “cannot work like the previous government and must take the people into account, and cannot insist on politics any longer that are contrary to the popular will.”

The outcome was a modest recoup at best for New Democracy, which had 33.47 per cent of the vote and 91 seats in the 2009 parliament, and sank to 58 and 18.85 per cent in the May six elections. A provision in the election laws that gives a 50- seat bonus to the party that finishes first is the principal reason New Democracy has a strong chance to form the government.

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